Weekly Complaint Thread – 05 October 2023

It’s the weekly complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissing you off.

Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

* No politics
* No complaints about users of JapanLife

  1. Not sure if it’s the heat or what but my jalapeño yield this year sucked, my plants only produced a couple peppers, the past couple years they have produced dozens.

  2. This subreddit needs to have a filter/rule/whatever that allows a user to post replies without moderator review if their thread is approved. Maybe it’s not possible, but all too often I see a thread where a new/low-karma user OP has replied to a bunch of comments but they don’t show up (you can only see them on their user profile) because they all need mod approval individually. It really stunts the conversation and makes approving the thread pointless.

  3. My wife steadily realizing how systematic sexual abuse of minors in the entertainment industry is a global issue, enabled by people benefitting from it and those who stay silent to preserve their careers/livelihoods/lives.

    All that from asking me “How is it possible Johnny did all that by himself for so many years and not get caught?”, I should have said I didn’t know, not “Remember when all those idols were committing suicide in Korea a few years ago?”

    The two-tiered justice system (“Seen anyone in handcuffs? You wont!”) talk is about is fun. With my luck, someone in my household is going to ask what backs money, too. Might as well get all the blackpills out there at once.

  4. I bought a bluray because it had interesting footage not included on the dvd version… and when it was time to watch it i discovered our player doesn’t play bluray xD

    My fault for not checking, but it’s annoying.

  5. The English teachers at my school have started doing this thing where every unit the 9th grade students have to write about their opinion on a topic from the textbook. Cliche stuff like translation software, Hiroshima, etc. But it’s fine and probably a good thing.

    Except… they let the students use DeepL and Google translate. So what happens is the students just write a paragraph in Japanese on their Chromebooks, plug it into DeepL, then copy down the English verbatim onto a worksheet.

    And then the papers are given to me to grade, so I’m essentially marking not the students, but whatever the website spit out.

    I honestly don’t get it. Like it’s just an enormous waste of time for the students, and also for me! In what world is grading 200 essays written by DeepL a good use of anyone’s time? It’s incredible: They’ve managed to find something that somehow is even more useless than being a human tape recorder.

    Ugh. I’m just so fed up with English education here. I can’t wait to leave this job and go home. Just a few more months….

  6. Not remembering that the apostrophe is encoded differently in Japanese and English keyboard layouts, I made dozens of computer-based test questions in which students have to write answers in English. These are automatically scored by the computer, but now I find all the ones in which an apostrophe is obligatory and that students have responded to using a Japanese keyboard layout have to be checked and re-scored one by one.

  7. Fuck me for being so talkative after drinking, and fuck me for having fun in nomikai.
    “Hey yeah it’s me who anonymously reported your direct superior, for パワハラ”. In which reality my brain thought this was a good idea to say that.

    Aaaah I can’t wait to move out far away from Kanto to have an excuse to not go to nomikai.

  8. we have a big company event coming up, like a few hundred management-class and above people in attendance. HR refused to do anything to help except supply us with a slightly out-of-date list of people and tells us to have fun. so I and a few other members of corporate planning scramble to update everything, so all the new managers and people who changed departments are all present and accounted for, and create the attendance list.

    only when we post the damn thing for everyone to see does HR pipe up to complain that we got several things wrong (most of which we would not have known about without access to their system). general affairs then gets pissy with us (as they have to re-upload the list a few times for corrections) for not properly checking and tells us that it’s our own fault for not asking (ie forcing) HR to confirm all the attendees, despite HR’s “fuck that, we ain’t in charge of that shit” stance to everything.

    all of this could have been avoided if HR just made the goddamn attendance list to begin with, but nah, that’s totally out of the question.

  9. Can the TV “morning shows” broadcasting around this time arrange things so they’re not all rabbiting on about the same thing (currently the Johnny’s scandal) at the same time?

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