I need some help understand the meaning/usage for こと

So from what I’ve studied I know it can mean thing e.g. 大きなこと, big thing.
私のこと can mean about me.
But other usages are more difficult to understand.
How would you translate こと when used in a sentence like: 試験が終わってから答えを間違えたことに気がつきました

I’m doing chapter 6 in tobira and the first grammar point is ~に気がつく which meqns to notice and it uses either a noun plus tge phrase i mentioned or sentence plus こと plus phrase. I’ve come across this issue before but I’ve mostly avoided finding out more about it but since I have reached a point where I just need to understand what the actual usage for こと is, i come to you guys so can you help me out here

  1. In the sentence “試験が終わってから答えを間違えたことに気がつきました” the word “こと” is used to nominalize the action or event that happened before. Here’s how you can understand it:

    – 試験が終わってから (After the exam is over)
    – 答えを間違えたこと (the fact that I made a mistake in the answer)
    – に気がつきました (I noticed)

    So, when you put it all together, it means “I noticed the fact that I made a mistake in the answer after the exam was over.” In this context, “こと” is used to turn the action of making a mistake into a noun so that it can be the object of your notice.

    It’s a common usage in Japanese to turn actions or events into nouns using “こと” to describe them or to make them the subject or object of sentences. It can be a bit tricky at first, but with practice, you’ll get more comfortable with it. If you encounter similar constructions in your studies, think of “こと” as a way to make verbs or actions into something you can talk about or refer to in a sentence.

  2. … it’s like when a Japanese native speaker tries to comprehend usage of “**to**” before english verbs, or pronouns like “**that**” used in a sentence for explanation (e.g. “i know **that** you know”)

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