Kumano Kodo & Koyasan Itinerary Check

I’m planning a trip to Kumano Kodo, (possibly Wakayama city), & Koyasan and would love any suggestions, corrections, or important things I may have overlooked! I’m flying into Osaka so I’d be starting from there. Here is what I have temporarily planned: 

**Day 1:**
\-Osaka to Kii-Katsura Station via train (this is a long train ride from what I can gather?)
\-Visit Nachi Taisha (via bus from KiiKatsura Station)
\-Head to Shingu Station via train and then from there Wataze Onsen (via bus) and spend the night in either Hotel Yamayuri or Hotel Sasayuri (I’m looking at booking a supper-breakfast combo package)

**Day 2:**
\-Visit Hongu Taisha (and the Oyu no Hara Otorii)
\-Head back to Shingu Station and visit Hayatama Taisha
\-Head to Wakayama City via train from Shingu Station and spend the night in Wakayama City… Is it worth going to Wakayama City? Anywhere else suggested in-between the Kumano Kodo shrines and Koyasan that’s a good place to stay? I want to do Koyasan next, but I also don’t want to head there on this day since I won’t arrive until too late in the day IMO.

**Days 3+4:**
\-Head to Koyasan Station and do this [2 day suggested itinerary](https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e4910_koyasan_2day.html), staying overnight (shukubo). Any recommendations on what Shukubo to stay at? From what I’ve checked online, it seems they are booking up fast?! I was looking on agoda.com-Head back to Osaka on Day 4 after finishing things at Koyasan.

I’ve already visited Ise before, so I don’t plan to go again I won’t really be able to walk the Kumano Kodo so that’s why I plan to take buses to the 3 major shrines. I’ve also been to Osaka a few times already, but I may stay a day or 2 in Osaka (either before or after) the above itinerary. 

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