Manga inspired tattoo phrase

Hello! I want to get a tattoo of one of my favorite manga phrases. I understand the consequences regarding pool and onsens in Japan. I-m probably going to get in anyways, but I want to gauge how cringe would it be to get it for a native Japanese person.

The phrase in question is:

>我が心と行動に一点の曇りなし…! 全てが『正義』だ

  1. Note: if you get done by someone who doesn’t know Japanese, it’s going to end up looking like a toddler or a computer wrote it.

    Even if the words themselves aren’t cringe, Japanese tattoos often looks cringe because they are badly drawn or are just obvious computer fonts traced over.

    If you love the phrase that much, find an English translation you like and get that done imho.

  2. I definitely think it’s LONG. Generally people don’t get tattoos of complete sentences. Depending on where you’re getting the tattoo it might not even FIT. Why not just do something simple like 正義, the last kanji at the end? It’s related to the phrase and if you get it done with proper calligraphic script (NOT A COMPUTER FONT. REPEAT: NOT A COMPUTER FONT) it should look cool and I don’t think it’d turn any heads. You’d always know that it’s from your favorite manga but it also wouldn’t stand out as strange.

  3. It would be fully cringe. Japanese people do not generally get tattoos of text. For more traditionally minded Japanese people (which is a lot of them), tattoos in and of themselves are cringe.

    However, I admit that I’m biased, because I also think English text tattoos are cringe. If I saw someone with a tattoo that says “my mind and actions are not clouded, it is all justice” (or whatever that’s supposed to mean) I would find it cringe af.

  4. The first sentence doesn’t make sense, and it’s not clear what the second sentence means neither, although I can vaguely guess what sort of thing this Is trying to say.

    To be dead honest, this may be cringey but definitely not the highest in cringe scale to make it funny neither. I know that a lot of foreigners and some Japanese hates to see nonsensical Japanese message on t-shirt or skin, but I like it as long as it’s funny. (My recent favorite was Ariana Grande’s 七輪.) Now this isn’t all that funny – it just reads like half baked mistakes. So I can’t recommend you getting this either ways you intended.

    To put it in perspective, you can check out r/Engrish, and try imagining you’re wearing Japanese counterparts of that on your skin. If you’re just getting it for memes then that’s fine but if you’re trying to put your serious thoughts, you should find very skilled translator to make sure you nail it. I recommend r/translator. (Don’t ask to Japanese like me who isn’t excellent at English, or Japanese learners who aren’t excellent at Japanese. You need to find someone who definitely understand both of those two languages to great depth, aka a *real* bilinguals. Otherwise you won’t get real translation the way you intended.)

    Edit: weird typos

  5. If you saw someone with this in English tattooed on them, you’d think it’s cringe – right? It’s a line that works if you’re the protagonist in an over-the-top superhero comic or something, not if you’re just a regular Joe. People who get the reference I’m sure will appreciate it, but that’s not going to be a large portion of the population.

  6. It’s fully cringe. 100% cringe.

    And not just that, if you wouldn’t get it in English, it doesn’t make it cool that it’s in Japanese. (It’s beyond embarrassing in Japanese)

  7. Lol. Why do you think you get in anyways? Onsen can be quite strict.

    And this is a stupid tattoo idea.

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