Shower head filter ?

so i moved into my Japanese apartment on October 2 and i tried showering on October 3. i realized that i didn’t have hot water until it was too late (right in the middle of me showering 🥲). Oct. 4 (today) my hot water got turned on. yay ! ^_^ only thing tho: i’ve been seeing tiktoks about how in Korea and Japan the water gets recycled and the water has a lot of bad chemicals that could damage my hair. as of right now, i haven’t washed my hair because i’m too scared the water might damage it further (my hair is growing out from me dying it too much). does anyone have advice to ether or not i should but a filter for my shower ? (it’s connected to my sink btw)

  1. > i’ve been seeing tiktoks about how in Korea and Japan…

    You need to get off TikTok.

  2. it’s just water treatment like most industrialized countries, if you are from someplace the tap water is not safe to drink then it may affect your hair differently.

  3. Bath water CAN be recycled through the separate heater again to reheat.

    Shower/tap hot water is fresh.

    The 2 systems are separate.

  4. Worried about the Japanese water due to toxins but you put a lot of dye in your hair.

    You should know that hair dye also contains the same chemical that is found Japanese and Korean tap water. Dihydrogen Monoxide. Dihydrogen Monoxide is an extremely reactive chemical that is known to react violently with sodium and potassium, which as you know are both found in the human body. It is also known to be potent enough to dissolve rock in some circumstances, as well as being potentially fatal if inhaled. Many incidents of people dying after inhaling dihydrogen monoxide are reported by hospitals every year. Disturbingly this chemical has been confirmed not only in Japanese tap water, but also in Japanese rivers, in the oceans surrounding Japan!

  5. Tokyo has pretty bad hard water. I use a shower head with a water softener filter and it’s dramatically helped out my hair and my son’s eczema.

  6. I’ve read other posts of people saying that the the water here affects their head or scalp. I bought a filter to see if that helps at all with my dandruff or pimples. I haven’t really noticed much of a difference myself.

    I drink the tap water here; It’s safe enough to do so. But many people also have filters on their faucet for drinking water. So, if you’re really concerned about it, or just want to try out a filter, you can get filters on amazon that you attach to your shower hose/faucet, or shower head. Just search shower filter and find one you like. I have one titled

    # “CoolWAY シャワーヘッドフィルター 硬水用 高出力シャワーフィルターカプセル 塩素 重金属 不純物を濾過 ビタミンC 肌の髪を活性化するシャワーフィルター”

    But it might not work well space wise if your hose comes from your sink. maybe a Shower head filter would work for you.

    Edit: typo

  7. Probably less tiktok and a trip to the store to buy a water-softening filter if you’re really that concerned.

    Depending on where you are from and where you are in Japan, you will experience a change in how soft/hard the water is, and that’s the main thing that will have an impact on your hair – not how healthy it is necessarily but how manageable it is with/without conditioner. Not a big deal.

  8. I got a filter to be safe, but I mean Japanese people have been using it for years and their hair doesn’t seem to be crazy.

  9. Showerhead filters are mostly a gimmick.

    If your water actually needed an ion exchanger, it would be kinda bulky, it won’t fit into a shower head.

    The only thing they do is remove turbidity, that is cloudiness from water so that it looks better.

    P.S. If you’re in Tokyo you certainly don’t need it.

  10. Tap water is technically recycled….sooo….

    Check out [this map]( and be happy that you live in a country where you can turn on a tap and drink the water coming out.

  11. I’ve bought a shower head filter and I’ve noticed less hair fall and my acne has cleared considerably. It may not be the water source so much as the pipes leading into your housing that could be leaching into the water. Either way, it’s worth checking out if you have issues. There’s plenty on Amazon

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