80 women arrested in Tokyo’s Kabukicho for alleged prostitution

80 women arrested in Tokyo’s Kabukicho for alleged prostitution


  1. I guess it was just a matter of time. It was starting to get out of hand with the social media exposure.
    That being said I didn’t know it was illegal to even just wait for a specific customer in public space and the law specifically mentions women so there’s no law against male prostitution

  2. So guys visit these prostitutes and then the prostitutes spend all that money on host clubs…

    That wraps up today’s lesson on Kabukicho economics.

  3. So you telling me that this nice Chinese woman who offered me a massage was a prostitute? I’m shocked 😲

  4. Can’t have people freelancing. It cuts into the organised criminal racket’s margins.

  5. To be clear, this is just the stats for the year so far, not a sudden overnight sweep of Kabukicho (something that used to happen many years ago). The women in question are also being arrested for unsolicited street-walking, i.e. attempting to pick customers up on the streets. Women, or men, working for the many various companies that skirt the ‘technically legal’ side of sex work are not the targets.

  6. Yeah you can’t have individual women working by themselves in the sex industry on the street as that cuts into the market share of the prostitution brothels run by the Yakuza who then in turn give the police a cut of the profits to turn a blind eye.

    So arrest them and get them off the streets as a freelancer and into the brothels where they’re owned by the Yakuza and also through a dotted line, the police so they can get a cut of what was originally the freelancers work.

  7. I don’t know. This is a part of the social fabric and the government is hell bent on making the country even more conservative by moral policing than it already is.

  8. “The police highlighted that almost 40 percent of these women were seeking to pay off debts from money spent in host clubs or on so-called underground boy bands who encourage fan interactions.”

    Is this parody?

    You get into prostitution to pay your favorite host?

  9. they need to crack down those host club also.

    I wonder which law they use to arrest these girls.

  10. Quite misleading title. It is jan-sep number, a 3/4 year. It is not some large crack down happened in a day.

    By that metric, nevada red light district arrests 2000-3000 prostitutes every year.

  11. Why harass people trying to earn money for something that exists in one gray form or another in every major Japanese city. The Japanese porn and prostitution industry is world famous, lucrative, and a form of soft power. The japanese should treat it with more respect.

  12. How many of them were properly registered for invoice-seidou???? Those girls better get prepared to collect shohizei and fast!

  13. It’s crazy how prostitution is so popular in Japan, simply for pocket money to buy a handbag or something.

  14. How are there 80 whores arrested?! I couldn’t even find one decent one in Kabukicho.

  15. This isn’t some regular kabukicho round up on crime story. It’s actually a kabukicho host club scam using dating apps that has caused an uptick in prostitution. There was a YouTube video about this problem recently.

    Quite a few of these young women in their 20s had moved to Tokyo from the Inaka and met boyfriends on dating apps. These profiles were grooming accounts for hosts to trick the girls into coming to the host club to spend time with them on their first date since they were always busy with work. Since they are young and don’t have much social experience in the big city they get profiled by hosts. There, the first drinks were free, but would eventually get more demanding in price the more that the women would come to the host clubs until they become in debt. That’s when they start to get pimped out in kabukicho.

    I’m glad that there’s more action from the authorities, but this media outlet did not really portray this story very well.

  16. >The police highlighted that almost 40 percent of these women were seeking to pay off debts from money spent in host clubs or on so-called underground boy bands who encourage fan interactions

    It’s like a triangle – they get these women addicted to hosto then when they can’t pay , pimp them. Idk it seems like there’s more to this..were they trafficked ?

  17. Find it quite interesting how men who attempt to buy are not arrested, but women who sell are the ones who’s committing a crime.
    In my home country, it’s the other way around. It’s legal to sell but it’s illegal to buy.

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