Question about cultural use of the Word “-chan”

Hello there! This is a question about the Japanese LGBTQ community.

A friend of mine has brought up in conversation that there are gay men in Japan who use the playful term “-chan” to refer to people, and that it is kind of a gay trait.

I don’t think this is the ONLY EXCLUSIVE use of “-chan” but I wanted to ask if it’s one of these rather feminized gay terms? Or gets used in that way? By gay men?

I see it like this (?): in the US, gay men use terms like ‘yas queen’ and ‘slay’ sometimes. Like, a specific type of gay men.
Not all gay men. This discussion is also not about making it out to be a “all gay men say and do this period” kinda thing, but an occasional thing, maybe?
I couldn’t find sources about this at all, but heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend, you know the drill. So I wanted to actually ask actual people who know.
Also, please only answer this, if you really know.

I can see it as a possibility that femme gay men might want to use this term to playfully flirt or something. But I want my cultural knowledge to be based in truth.
Thank you for the answers! <3


An answer would be great. Also, I will delete LGBTQ-phobic comments.

My question is a place for neutral discussion.

1 comment
  1. Your friend is correct. Japanese gay slang exists. There are lots of websites with lists. One of the slang terms is using chan among adult gay men for whom chan would otherwise be inappropriate. Some of the slang is fun. Example, ネコ is a slang term for bottom/the receptive partner in sex.

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