Weekly Praise Thread – 06 October 2023

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. Roommates dad and brother are visiting and staying in my living room. In exchange they’re paying for the restaurants. Wagyu yakiniku and real pizza have been great.

  2. The weather turned terrible and I love it. Colder weather, high waves, rain, wind, it’s fantastic! Enjoying the crazy weather with a flannel on in true Pacific Northwesterner fashion.

    Also, my students are still talking about the Cha Cha Slide this week. Apparently one practiced a lot and even learned the Macarena. His teacher is silently cursing us but I’m soooooo happy.

  3. just *love* it when an extremely incompetent service provider I was forced to practically babysit (due to aforementioned incompetence) for something like a whole goddamn year asks for feedback via survey. got the go-ahead to be as honest as I want, so I happily went to town explaining in painful detail everything I found unsatisfactory… and there was a lot. felt good to get it all out!

  4. Leaving next week for nearly 20 days in my home country !

    I’m impatient, although the 14hours flight will kill me (I am weak in transportations with closed environment like airplane and Shinkansen).

    I’m happy that boss and colleagues didn’t make any passive – aggressive remark. Quite the contrary, boss tells me sincerely to enjoy time with my family, and colleagues said things like “thank you for having considered the deadline”, “if no one starts taking long vacations then nothing will ever change so I’m glad you did” etc.

  5. Glad I don’t work 40+ hours a week in corporate. Glad I’m not getting cheated on.

  6. Passport arrived! Significantly faster than expected, I won’t need to grovel and beg for forgiveness after the boss reserved a 3000EUR hotel that’s non-refundable…

  7. * was able to put in some project hours this week
    * weather is nice and cool. after a few days of clouds, today is really nice
    * lost a couple of kg recently, face slimmed up a bit

  8. * love that it’s cool enough for me to take a walk during my break at work now
    * finally got some important contracts signed and processed at work
    * got a second interview after my monday interview for next week! I was surprised at how quickly they got back to me, not even 2 days later
    * feeling grateful to have a faithful girlfriend who i don’t have kids with after seeing certain posts this week
    * gf is also taking me on a date to a nice italian place tomorrow because I mentioned that I had a craving

  9. Finished a massive translation job and learned a bit about renewable energy in the process.

    The weather is finally habitable so I can start wearing nicer clothes than just “shorts and t-shirt.”

    It’s Friday.

  10. Gorgeous weather, but the kinmokusei surrounding my school hasn’t started smelling good yet. I finally have a Saturday off after working 7 Saturdays in a row (we’re only supposed to work 2 a month). I’ve watched 9 horror movies so far in October and am showing no signs of fatigue or slowing down.

  11. Having sports on every night has been great. Women’s basketball was a heartbreaker though.

  12. Got last minute tickets to the men’s volleyball game tonight against Serbia. Going to be lit.

  13. It’s been a week now since I’ve sprained my ankle, and though commuting on public transit is Very Stressful, being at work is fine and all the people I work with have been very supportive and helpful with everything and for that I am grateful. I can actually walk a little on the injured foot, but stairs are still scary and I’ll still probably take a month off from climbing.

  14. I took my baby to the dermatologist because he was taking 赤ちゃん a tad too literally. I’d been using baby lotion every day, but apparently it wasn’t strong enough because the new stuff they gave us works like magic! He literally changed color overnight, and he stopped scratching up his face (he used to look like he fought cats). I love that I can just casually walk into a skin clinic and get everything my kid needs without paying a yen.

  15. – Someone from the dorm threw away a bag of clothes. Picked it up, sorted through and washed them and I now have 6 really comfortable oversized hoodies/sweaters 🙂 They’re even in colors I like- blues and greys.

    – Survived week 1 of uni

    – Survived meeting with teachers to discuss accommodations

    – Great gym day on Wednesday

    – Amazingly written fanfiction with lots of scattered literary and classical music references. Love discovering things like that

    – the Bourbon cheesecake bar. Too good for it’s own good

  16. After months of trying I was finally able to play the weird piece in 9/8 time with tortuous fingering and peppered with accidentals through last night. Now I’m going to spend a likely couple of months trying to actually play it at the speed it’s meant to be played.

  17. The bullshit way my oldest keeps changing the rules on how I race him on foot while he rides his bike. It’s just adorable and clever.

    “I need few seconds to get up to speed, so wait, okay?”

  18. Since September I’ve started reading during my commute, and now I’m getting through 2-3 books per month. Not bad!

  19. Just over 2 weeks until my parents, big sister and two nieces come to visit! 🙂

    I’ve had so much fun planning stuff for them to do. My parents haven’t been able to visit for about 4 years, and it’ll be my sister’s first time in Japan so she’s really excited. It’ll be a tiring but very fun 11 days! Yay!

  20. Books flights to the home country for Christmas. As much as I appreciate living in Japan, much more so than I expected I’m looking forward to my first time back in 5+ years.

    The joy on my student’s faces when I told them I was cancelling cleaning today and to go home early for the weekend (since the classroom was clean enough) was well worth it.

    Nice old lady saw me paying with my Apple Watch and couldn’t stop saying how cool I was and how young people are so good with technology it just amazes her.

  21. Made it through the week without loosing my shit. Dealt with the stress and frustrations in a healthier way than pushing it down. Saw a balalaika band play Le Mis a Queen. Off to bevington world of adventure with some work mates. Hopefully Dr Nodge won’t make an appearance.

  22. Yesterday was such a beautiful, blustery Autumn day! My son and I took Keihan up to Yawata to visit a few shrines and walk around the mountain. After a few minutes, the gusts became so chilly I stopped into a shop to buy a colorful grandma shawl to wrap up with for the walk up the mountain. Yep, I guess that’s how the transformation to Osaka-baba begins. Today the colorful scarves. Tomorrow….zebra printed polyester?….yikes, I hope not that far. 😉 It was a wonderful day, though, and I really hope this is finally actually Fall, and it’s here to stay!

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