Did you experience any side effects of learning Japanese?

Like, did your grip on other language(s) weaken in any way?

Did you notice any stuttering in your speech?

Asking ‘cuz this happened to me over the past year.

  1. When I was studying it way more than I used English…for about 12 hours every day there came a point where I felt I was making too many mistakes in English I would have never made…..looking back at it that probably was just a state of mind and not reality…maybe I always made those mistakes and because I was learning a language I became self aware…idk

  2. Japanese is my third lanaguge, and the further I got in my Japanese studies the worse my English and native language got. I think it’s pretty natural though. Even before I started learning Japanese I’d have problems remembering certain words in my native language and having to substitute them with English words in conversations. It’s just a side effect of knowing multiple languages at once, and most bilinguals I know experience the same thing, especially if they learned the second language later on in their life.

  3. I’m fluent in 5 languages. I didn’t converse in one particular language as I moved away from that community and it did weaken a bit. But imo once you are good enough already or after a certain level, you won’t worsen in that language anymore.

  4. My English would go brrr because i got used to say things like makudonarudo no aisukurimu instead of mcdonalds icecream

  5. English is not my first language but I had after being abroad for studying and using English everyday for study and work to the point I started to forget words in Italian

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