I am considering moving to Tsakuba for a job.

Hello kind people of reddit,

I have recently been offered a job in Tsukuba.
I am having some concerns and thought people here might help.

I have a huge fear of cockroaches, it is completely irrational and I have done everything to stop this phobia but here I am. and knowing I will be alone there for a while I don’t want to live somewhere where they might be found.
Are cockroaches as common as it is mentioned on Google ? Can I find a place where they might not be found ?

Also, I wanted to know how much it would cost me to live there for a month or two without rent untill everything else is figured out ?

If you have any other tips I would really appreciate it.
Thank you all ❤️.

Edit: Sorry for the spelling mistake it’s Tsukuba

  1. It is kind like anywhere in Japan. Ocassionally you can see one here and there, rarely flying in, but pretty much it. Never heard anyone complaing about them here, in Tsukuba. Tho if more on the outskirts of Tsukuba you can see some tanukis dunking some trashbags around.

  2. I thought “Tsakuba” was a spelling mistake, but then you doubled down on it. Tsa isn’t even a Japanese syllable 🤔

  3. Where are you moving from? I live near there. If you keep your place clean roaches won’t come to dinner. Also “Tsukuba”

  4. Moved here recently – see a lot less than central Tokyo. But have also seen more wasps and exotic looking bugs!

  5. Might want to consider a different planet. ‘Fraid cockroaches are on every piece of land here except Antarctica

  6. Rules are simple for cockroaches. Don’t leave food out, and don’t provide a place where they can make more of themselves…. Apart from that, roach spray is highly effective should you encounter any.

  7. I love it there and visit it many times a year for biking and it has the best hamburger in all of Japan on the mountain entrance.

    What’s the job? Maybe I’ll take it 😂

  8. Tsukuba is home to a lot of foreign students so there are a bunch of run-down buildings that you can rent for cheap. Just make sure you rent a decent place and it’ll be fine. I lived there for a few years and can’t remember any significant cockroach encounters.

  9. Yeah… In that case you’re likely hooped…. Only thing I can recommend at that point is don’t live in an old run down building as those are the places where the bastarda have likely set up their own residence between the walls and other nooks and crannies.

  10. Just a personal anectdote, but I try to avoid most of Ibaraki, so unless you’ll be in Tsukuba proper, I’d have a keen loom into the place and do your research about issues in the area. My good body lived in a decent are up around there, little inaka-ish, and middle of the day getting off a packed train he was mugged and robbed by a group of high school-aged kids. No one dis a thing to help him, and the police blamed him for not watching out for himself or some shit and questiOned him for 6 hours then made him walk home in the rain, without even being able to file a police report because they said there was “no proof he was telling the truth” or some BS. I’m trying not to generalize the pefecture, it’s got some nice spots, but evwn my Japanese buddy’s living out there have told me the police are extraordinarily useless, and violent hoodlums like that are everywhere. But it wasn’t my experience, so who reall knows now. Just definitely do your research.

  11. I think you’re freaking yourself out over this too much. It’s Japan. Cockroaches are everywhere. Just keep your place clean and live somewhere that isn’t too old and you’ll be fine. Are you going to let the sighting of an insect stop you taking an actual job? lol.

  12. Tsukuba actually translates to “cockroach city” in case you didn’t know. Comes from 1000 of years of cock roach farmers actually.

    But if you do end up going there is a hyakumeizan (100 famous mountain) available there. It’s a fun easy climb good for families with a gondola!

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