english-speaking dentist recs in tokyo?

so i’m quite scared of dentists in general, combine that with not being able to speak japanese yet. if anyone could recommend a good (patient & not rude i guess?) english-speaking dentist especially somewhere close to kichijoji/mitaka area and maybe cost estimation for fillings, that would be really great. thank you!

  1. Can’t help with a recommendation but I hope someone else posts one here. I just moved to Mitaka last month and am due for a dental checkup soon.

  2. [Yamanaka Dental Clinic Hamadayama Implant Office](https://www.hamadayama-implant.com/english/), which is an awkward name for a pretty big general dental office that is used to foreign patients. They just built a new office a year or two ago.

    Hamadayama might be reasonably convenient for you, although it’s a train ride away from Kichijoji.

  3. Weirdly I’m seeing an ad for a place called Lion Heart Dental just below this post, so them maybe

  4. Not Tokyo but I found one in Wakoshi, Saitama. It’s not advertised as English speaking friendly but the head dentist in that cabinet does speak English well.

    Let me know if anyone is interested.

  5. I went to a random dentist near me and they thought it was funny to communicate through phone translation while they were working on my teeth. No English at all. Was super fun to experience! I had two cavities that were filled for a grand total of 1600¥ Hope this helps calm you a bit!

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