Street cat with kittens

Today I saw a street cat with kittens, I was wondering if there is anyway to help? It was in Niigata and it will soon be getting colder. Is there anything I can do for them?
How do you guys handle situations like that?

  1. My mother in law adopted the stray semi-feral cats that appeared at her house. Eventually caught all 4 kittens. Took them to the vet and paid for shots and get them fixed so no more baby kittens. Now they live on her patio and she takes care of them and feeds them.

  2. There isn’t much you can do. I lived in Nagasaki for a year and it’s a place that is notorious for having lots of cats. Even it’s own type of cat.

  3. there’s tons and tons of stray kitties in Japan unfortunately, so unless you can take them in somehow you can’t do anything. and even if you take some in, there’s too many for you to handle it alone. the good news is that usually there’s people around that feed them, and they can find places to endure some cold like under houses or underneath freshly parked cars.
    it sucks, but that’s just one part of Japan we can’t change. personally I think the only way I can try to help is make their lives better even if it’s temporary. so I try to give them some food and try to interact with them, even if in the long run I can’t really help them much.

  4. There are feral cats all over Japan. There isn’t much you can do. Local authorities generally advise not trying to touch them because they may have infections and they may bite or claw.

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