I have had this several times. It is a very thin sheet of something slightly crunchy and semi translucent (yellowish/brown tinge from what I remember) with a sweet and sour pickled flavor. I am assuming it is some kind of pickled daikon or seaweed.
Edit: https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/nigiri-sushi-various-types-turquois-plate-37539836.jpg?w=768
It’s the thin sheet on the second piece from the left.
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[Shiro-itakonbu](https://www.kobuya.net/%E7%99%BD%E6%9D%BF%E6%98%86%E5%B8%83/) also known as battera-konbu
It’s konbu with the green layers shaved off. It’s soaked in seasoned vinegar before being used on sushi.