Kyoto streets bicycling

Hello all,
In my planning of visiting Kyoto I’ve always preferred the idea of using a bike as my primary means of transit, but remain apprehensive due to fear of breaking rules/etiquette and getting hit (already accomplished that in Chicago once).

Can anyone give a little insight or assuredness that it’s relatively easy & safe. Can I just fire up google maps and kinda point in the right direction, taking the less crowded streets as I see, or are there only specific, (busy) routes one can use? Riding along the river seems chill, no worries there, but using a bike to navigate the streets seems daunting to me.

Anything is appreciated, I know it seems like a dumb, pandering inquiry, I have read threads and watched videos, but it wasn’t enough to really solidify in my mind that I can/should rent one.


Edit: I REALLY appreciate everyone’s input. I kinda talked myself outta a bike after reading up on it, per nervousness. But I realize I’ll miss out on a few experiences I wouldn’t see otherwise. I likely would only need one for a day and wouldn’t be going anywhere super touristy like Gion Or Arashiyama. Thanks for assuaging some of my anxiety. Really appreciate it.

  1. Yes, there are a couple of bike rentals promoting bike tourism. You may have issues finding parking spots in tourist places though. There are areas where bikes are not allowed.

  2. Rented a bike while going around the bamboo forest. It was fun but there are places where you cant bike and walking on foot is more accessible if you want to go around.

  3. I was just there!! Yes I was a bit nervous but I would highly recommend. It was an awesome way to get around and see things without sitting on a bus, just used google maps to get around. Sometimes there are bike lanes. Sometimes you can just drive on the sidewalk and sometimes was on the road with cars, I’d suggest an ebike unless you’re pretty conditioned to riding if you’re going to be doing it most of the day.

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