Travel expense reports

Does anyone know if there is a possible way to print out a monthly report of train usage from a JR ticket counter?

My colleague gets a ticket every time he travels to a new station to input for his expense reporting which seems tedious.

A single copy of the monthly usage would be ideal, is it possible to get something like this from using passmo in multiple JR stations? (I.e . Not a commuter pass).

Also does anyone know of a commuter pass cost estimator online?

  1. Yup just go to any machine and tap 履歴表示 (history display) and print it. Easy. No need to go to a counter.

    For commuter cost go to and put in your journey, then tap commuting ticket and it’ll show you 1, 3, and 6 months.

  2. None of the companies I worked for ever required receipts for standard rail travel which means it’s not a NTA requirement.

  3. To get a monthly report it is best to go to any train station counter and just ask for the history.

    As mentioned here the machines also do it up to 20 entries.

    I sometimes have to get a receipt for something that happened at the beginning of the month and the counter is the only place.
    Just ask for 今月のICカード履歴頂きますでしょうか
    “Could I get this month’s IC card history”
    Which should be sufficient.
    No charge and usually prints out in a long 1m receipt.

  4. My company trusts us – just station names. Easy to figure out cost. I’m not saying anything bad about your workplace, just it seems unnecessary to need a receipt.

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