Does anyone know more about the Japan Eat youtube/instagram channel?

This guy creates pretty interesting videos about Japanese food, in Japan. He visits restaurants and gives you his opinion about what he eats. He has a comically monotonous voice and has a deadpan style to his videos, which makes it quite popular and fun to watch. But the thing is, who is this guy? Where is he from? What’s his background? He creates video after video but it’s all about the food, and there isn’t a single video of him (that I could find) where he introduces himself, shows his face, tells the audience why he decided to make these videos or what his ethnic background is. All I know is he speaks English and Japanese fluently, but that’s it. Just seems kind of weird because I’m used to popular youtubers sharing a lot about themselves, while this guy is a total enigma.

This is the channel I’m talking about:

[Japan Eat](

To see his videos, you need to look under “shorts”. He barely creates any lenghty videos

  1. I have no idea but I love his videos for the deadpan hilarious commentary. It’s quite refreshing from other influencer food videos.

  2. I’ve tried making his gyoza sauce, from the short about the place that only does gyoza. There is a LOT happening in it; if you can, make it for yourself.

    Outside of that? He never reveals much information about himself, so it’s hard to tell.

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