How do you see Japan in the future?

How do you see Japan in the future?

  1. about the same as it is now but more electronics with bright lights trying to sell me things

  2. It will not survive another 50 years due to climate/natural disasters. Instead they will move the entire country into space and become the first space colony.

  3. Eventually, when there will be no way back and Japan’s economy will be cornered, it will have to acknowledge and take actions to tackle down aging population, lower birth rates and lack of workers. Although, it is happening right now to a certain degree, but it is more talks than actions. No idea when it will happen for real (also these things don’t change over a night), but Japan being rather persistent when it comes to changes, especially not changing anything although the circumstances and the market shift slowly.

  4. The same, but “less”. Less corporations, less people, less media, less entertainment.
    What you still like about the place will still be there, but don’t expect as much as there is now.

  5. The continuation of low wages and old ages, which will create:

    * More economic disincentives against starting new families when there are more elderly to care for.
    * More oyaji-friendly, short-sighted policies because they will continue to be the largest voting block.
    * Continued scapegoating of immigrants because of continued xenophobic attitudes fed to the public by corporate and government powers.
    * Brain drain of young and affluent Japanese talent moving to the West because they don’t see a future.
    * More fax machines

  6. Depending on how things go either we’ll see a steady rise of foreigners move in and replace the aging population, with that a culture shift more towards the “generic western culture” with Japanese touches (not to say there’s anything wrong with western culture but it would be a massive downgrade from the rich culture Japan already has) Japan will probably never resolve the birth rate unless there’s a massive mindset change on marriage and raising a family. On the other hand I see Japan doing as they historically do, adapting to the issue, and being the first nation to really start a turn around from the “over population” mindset and low fertility rate and develop a healthy view on maintaining the status quo in population, economy, and etc. Basically figuring out they could probably better maintain an economy at a certain point better than keeping up with shrinkage or growth, in my opinion it beats totally extinction of the Japanese people and their culture or growth until a critical level is reached and the whole country explodes into anarchy and instability.

  7. It’s too late to recover the population now without literal baby farms and I’m sure the government knows this. It will eventually shift to a highly automated society based on an ultra-low population model. Of course this doesn’t mean that people will not have to work, work will just be something different.

    Given natural population dynamics Japan’s population will eventually hit a lower plateau at which point the population will start increasing again but at that point I’m not sure if the concept of countries would be relevant on a global scale

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