Looking for insight. Target: IT job hunting (developer with experience); school or no school? (with some japanese level)

Hello Reddit.

So basically as the title says, I’m looking for some insight, currently I have JLPT N3 level (certificate from last year) and 5+ years of work experience in IT (Software developer, even was promoted to Senior in my last job), also I’ve already lived in japan for 6 months years ago but ultimately decided to return to my country to chase my career in IT so I’m familiar with the process of going there and with life there as a whole.

Also I’m familiar with IT job posting sites such as Japan-dev but always felt quite intimidated to apply (as they usually ask for way too many technology stacks and most of the times they seem to be seeking someone over senior level, also I have 0 idea about the process for these postings) so I thought as an alternative on going to Japan as a student (again) as I’ve heard somewhat favorable results from people who actually went there.

While doing my research I ran across ISI Japanese language school which seems to have open this year a campus in Shibuya with the focus of helping students with career development, at the very least it seems like a decent enough guidance but so far (and understandably) only found one convincing enough review in google.

So my questions (and also a bit of TLDR):

1. Is it worth it to go as a student if my goal is to find a job in IT? given that I already know some japanese and have already lived there (and have work experience).
2. Do anyone have any experiences or any reviews about ISI Japanese language school Shibuya campus? (course that focus on career development)

I really won’t take anything for granted but rather as a chance, I’ve saved enough money to sustain living in japan for probably 2 years but if I’m to become a student again I only plan on doing so for 1 year as I really can’t afford to take a really long gap from working.

Thank you in advance and sorry for the long post.

1 comment
  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Looking for insight. Target: IT job hunting (developer with experience); school or no school? (with some japanese level)**

    Hello Reddit.

    So basically as the title says, I’m looking for some insight, currently I have JLPT N3 level (certificate from last year) and 5+ years of work experience in IT (Software developer, even was promoted to Senior in my last job), also I’ve already lived in japan for 6 months years ago but ultimately decided to return to my country to chase my career in IT so I’m familiar with the process of going there and with life there as a whole.

    Also I’m familiar with IT job posting sites such as Japan-dev but always felt quite intimidated to apply (as they usually ask for way too many technology stacks and most of the times they seem to be seeking someone over senior level, also I have 0 idea about the process for these postings) so I thought as an alternative on going to Japan as a student (again) as I’ve heard somewhat favorable results from people who actually went there.

    While doing my research I ran across ISI Japanese language school which seems to have open this year a campus in Shibuya with the focus of helping students with career development, at the very least it seems like a decent enough guidance but so far (and understandably) only found one convincing enough review in google.

    So my questions (and also a bit of TLDR):

    1. Is it worth it to go as a student if my goal is to find a job in IT? given that I already know some japanese and have already lived there (and have work experience).
    2. Do anyone have any experiences or any reviews about ISI Japanese language school Shibuya campus? (course that focus on career development)

    I really won’t take anything for granted but rather as a chance, I’ve saved enough money to sustain living in japan for probably 2 years but if I’m to become a student again I only plan on doing so for 1 year as I really can’t afford to take a really long gap from working.

    Thank you in advance and sorry for the long post.

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