Any physical prepaid card that you can withdraw cash from that can be topped up online?

Friend is visiting and stupidly left all their credit cards and cash in their home country. Any way they can get a prepaid card they can withdraw cash from while in Japan and top it up online? Unfortunately I’m not in Tokyo and can’t meet with them physically. They’re currently using Suica to pay for things but will need cash for some things. Any help appreciated!!

  1. Any Japanese prepaid card that allows physical withdrawal of cash will require a Japanese ID, and buying tickets to sell to a ticket shop for cash (a semi-common way of cashing from cards that don’t otherwise allow direct cash withdrawal) requires a card to buy the tickets with (I don’t think you can buy paper train tickets with Suica) and possibly a Japanese ID also (smaller shops may be willing to look the other way on that second one but the bigger stores won’t).

    But how did your friend get a Suica without credit cards or cash?

  2. Likely no, due to Japan’s anti-money laundering rules.

    However, many credit card companies can send an emergency replacement card to foreign destinations.

    I’ve had personal experience with this with Amex after my wallet got stolen while abroad. I called the customer service line and after authentication they couriered a replacement card to the hotel I was staying at.

    Note: I don’t know if this only applies to “lost or stolen” cards or can also be used for forgotten ones.

    Also, if they have access to online banking, some offer integrations with Western Union etc.. so they might be able to send themselves some cash. Or have a friend / family member do so for them.

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