Where can I volunteer?

Back in the states I used to volunteer at the soup kitchen (feeding the homeless) and I’d like to get back into it. I just saw someone on the street giving out panphlets about the refugee crisis but all they wanted was my money (don’t really have disposable) but I saw nothing on the website about volunteering. Anyone that can point me in the right direction? Or maybe someone that already involved willing to tell me about it?
Thx in advance,

  1. search ボランティア活動 in your area, even on google maps. your local city hall/community center should be able to direct you somewhere if you ask.

    https://activo.jp/ is a site that aggregates some stuff. there are others.

  2. You can search 炊き出しボランティア in your particular area, and can find NPOs.

  3. On Fb look for the Tokyo Expat Network (TEN) group and look for homeless. There are post from people that do some stuff to help them. Usually is on Saturdays on parks.

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