Fukuoka to Osaka – 14 day itinerary. Recommendations/advice greatly appreciated.

My partner and I visited Japan last year during November and went on the typical Osaka > Kyoto > Nara > Hakone > Tokyo trip over roughly 16 days. We’re visiting South Korea and Kyushu (and part Honshu) this time round and would love any recommendations.

I also can’t work out whether it’s worth buying a two-week JR pass (we didn’t last time) since we’ll be travelling exclusively by public transport. The calculator states that it isn’t quite worth it but obviously the calculator doesn’t include buses or local transport within cities?

26 Nov Day 1: **Fly in from South Korea to Fukuoka**

We have tickets to the Sumo Tournament finale at the Kokusai Center (hopefully the plane isn’t delayed). We’ll probably spend the evening at the Christmas Markets and food stalls

27 Nov Day 2: **Fukuoka + Nazoin**

Visit Nazoin and the reclining Buddha in the morning then back to the city to visit the various museums, shrines, castle, canal city etc., Fukuoka TeamLabs Forest

28 Nov: **Fukuoka + Dazaifu**

Day trip to Dazaifu to visit the Kyushu National Museum, temples, gardens, etc., and back to Fukuoka in the evening to finish off anything we haven’t seen and go shopping

29 Nov: **Nagasaki**

Entire day in the main city centre. We’re staying on I + Land Nagasaki which means slightly increased travel time. Visit all major shrines, gardens, chinatown etc., in the centre

30 Nov: **Nagasaki**

Go to the north of the city. Visit the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum, memorial museum, one-legged shrine, Peace Park, etc., and take the cabal car to Mount Inasa at night to get a view of the city

1 Dec: **Nagasaki**

Probably the entire day in Huis Ten Bosch, exploring the park and enjoying the Christmas decorations/activities

2 Dec: **Kumamoto**

No idea. We have to travel here to go on to Mt Aso & Beppu. Maybe just visit the castle and then relax since we’re only here overnight

3 Dec: **Mt Aso & Beppu**

Entire day walking around Mt Aso. No real plan here or idea of specific destinations to visit. Finish in Beppu private onsen hotel

4 Dec: **Beppu**

Explore the city. Chilled pace since we’re paying for a very expensive private onsen hotel. Visit the Michelin star onsens, seven hells, steamed food restaurants, maybe get buried in hot sand?

5 Dec: **Beppu + Yufuin**

1/3 day in Yufuin to visit the Floral Village and lake. Nothing specific in mind other than shopping. Back to Beppu for the majority of the day

6 Dec: **Hiroshima**

Bit of a rushed day but Flame of Peace, Atomic Bomb Dome, Hiroshima Castle, some museums, Shukkeien Garden. A lot of eating.

7 Dec: **Hiroshima + Itsukushima**

1/2 or 2/3 day in Itsukushima.

8 Dec: **(Kobe?) + Osaka**

Briefly stop off in Kobe to try Kobe beef at a good quality restaurant. Nothing booked yet. Not sure what else is in Kobe. On to Osaka to go shopping. We’ve visited before and seen a few of the major sights but were rushed.

9 Dec: **Osaka**

Currently no plan

10 Dec: **Fly from Osaka back to Seoul**

1 comment
  1. Fukuoka looks fine as your trip isn’t very packed and seemed rather spaced. Though I’d suggest putting the yatai (streetside food stall) down as something to try out, most places sells tonkatsu ramen and other side dishes, worth trying them out if you enjoy Ramen.
    Nagasak – if you’re going to huis ten Bosch, I’d recommend to go and stay one night there on your way to Nagasaki from Fukuoka. I think it’s easier to go to kumamoto from Nagasaki because of Shinkansen. I did similar trip with my gf last year from Fukuoka to Nagasaki, and can’t recommend more because it’s actually a bit more time consuming than I initially thought.
    Others all looks fine but Kobe beef in Kobe is… well, let’s just say you can get the same beef in other places. However I do like Kobe, it’s a nice city to walk around and explore if you have the time.

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