Osaka – Kyoto 4 days itinerary

Before going to Tokyo we are going to spend 4 days in Osaka in next year.

We found a nice place Osaka so that will be our base.

Day 0.

Arriving to Kansai Airport. Travekl to Osaka in the hotel. Maybe explore some nightlife Osaka before sleep.

Day 1

Kyoto National Museum – Sansougen-do (the 1000 golden statue) then Lunch

Afternoon we going to the Imperial Palace then the Manga Museum until closing time. (17:30)

Then going back to Osaka. At eveneing explore Osaka’s night life. Dotonbori, shopping streets etc.

Day 2

Starting at the Gikakunji temple then walking town the philosopher’s path.

Honen-in temple – Eikan-do – Nanzen-ji – Chion-in – Yasaka-Shrine

Lunch a Kyoto (there are a lot of good eating pace in that area)

Then Afternoon going to explore Kyomizudera and surroundings.

Going back to Osaka. Nightlife again and maybe going to the Umeda-Sky Building or watchin Osaka castle at night.

Day 3

Going to Nara and Uji.

Day 4.

Fushimi-Inari Taisa shrine (10 000 Toori gate)

After lunch

Golden Pavilon and maybe Arashymaja and sourroundings.

Day 5

Travel to Tokyo with Shinkansen.

What do you think?

  1. in general its all good but…

    day 2, thats a lot before lunch. and you said “back to kyoto” but you ment “osaka” no?

    day 3, that can work, but be prepared to not have lots of time for uji

  2. Why are you staying in Osaka this whole time? I’d just split your nights in Kyoto for Kyoto things and Osaka for Osaka things

  3. Are you coming from a time zone that is close to Japans? If it’s a bigger time zone jump than a few hours the jet lag might make these days hard. I would do the more relaxed Nara day first and the fullest second day last if you are coming from further away

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