Why does どこ never use が but other question words do?

Why is it that どこ always goes like thingはどこ but other question words are usually like なぜがthing, or the は pattern? Is it wrong to use どこ with が for some reason? I’ve been told it sounds wrong and I never see it with が

  1. That’s a great question, I guess I never thought of that one. Hope to see if someone knows but if I had a guess, you can if you choose to

  2. Generally, が is used with question words when the subject is unknown.

    何が好きですか。 (I don’t know know what you like, so I ask you to specify)

    どれがおいしいですか。 (I don’t know which of these things is delicious)

    コンビニはどこですか。 (I’m looking for a particular combini, so the subject is known)

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