Your favourite neologism in japan

Have you invented any novel words?

I’ll start:

*gominazi* (m) and *gominatrix* (f): those helpful people in your building who treat waste segregation so seriously, that they also correct how you through out rubbish.

  1. No, but I invented one in English today: ‘*to Kershaw*’ (v.): to choke in a particularly important situation.

  2. My wife and I share only Japanese as a common language despite it being our second languages, and we probably have our own languages worth of fake words we use to communicate haha

  3. i’ve got two:

    opparai: the lethargic state an infant goes into after nursing

    katakanonical: a foreign word that is widely used in a katakana spelling

  4. “gyaku-kazoku”: my wife is the business woman, I am the part-time working father, taking care of our 2 school kids during the weekdays, making dinner etc…

  5. Fukuro-oka. The hill of plastic bags you used to collect before the new plastic bag law was enforced.

  6. 残食(zanshoku), basically same as 残り物

    Wife kept looking at me weird, so I asked her what’s wrong and she replied she had no idea what I was talking about.
    That’s when I knew I made one.

  7. Not quite a neologism, but *goat cheese Obama death star* gets a lot of mileage in our household, as does *oats curry*!

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