Transferred money to the wrong bank account

So I have to pay credit payments and my rent each month,

the previous month I transferred 40000 yen by JP post atm to the credit card company but fast-forward to this month I realized when I got a call from my credit card company that the money has not been received, but I told them the bank account number which I transferred the money too (which was correct) but they told me to check the name on the receipt I got, And because my Japanese is so bad I looked at it and noticed that the name was actually Morgan Stanley securities ufj and not my credit card company. Now the credit card company is asking me to pay the penalty and this month’s installment as well, which is a lot for me… Is there a way to get back the 40000 yen? I already went to the JP post staff and showed them the receipt of the transfer which has clearly written the account name, date and amount, and they gave me a form to fill after that but told me it might not be possible to get the money back… I am in deep trouble…

  1. > (which was correct)

    Obviously it was not correct.

    Make sure you also clear up how and why you got the account number wrong so that you don’t make the same mistake again.

    One thing I would do is avoid using a Japan Post ATM for anything other than withdrawing cash if your Japanese is not very good. Japan Post Bank is on a slightly different bank network and it’s slightly more complicated to interact with normal banks via their ATMs.

    Also, if you use Japan Post Bank as your main bank, don’t. Get an account with a normal bank.

    Again, this is only if your Japanese is not strong.

    For ATM transactions, always use the ATM at your nearest convenience store. It usually can switch to an English interface.

    Edit: As for getting your money back, you’ve already done everything you can do personally.

    If you want to expedite it further, find someone Japanese to help by calling the accounting division of the company you accidentally wired the money to. Don’t bother trying that yourself with your broken Japanese, you’ll make it worse.

  2. Because you mistakenly sent the money to a commercial firm, there is a chance you will be able to get the money back. However, returning the money is at the recipient’s discretion.

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