These words are sometimes confusing to me, made a list of them all in one place.
Source: Go to jisho and search for ?っ?? #common #on-mim
しっかり securely
ゆっくり leisurely
はっきり clearly
すっかり completely
がっかり disappointed
ぐっすり sleeping
ぴったり closely/precisely
さっぱり clean/refreshed
たっぷり ample/plenty
そっくり entirely/resembling
にっこり smiling
うっかり inadvertently
こっそり secretly
すっきり neat/refreshing
ぎっしり tightly packed
せっせと diligently/industriously
きっぱり clearly/plainly
じっくり slow/careful
あっさり easily/flatly refuse/plainly
がっちり robust/tight/shrewd
きっちり on the dot
がっしり toughly
がっくり heartbroken
くっきり standing out boldly
びっくり surprised
さっさと without delay or coldly
ひっそり quiet/deserted
びっしり closely packed
ぐったり limply
むっつり sullenly/taciturnly
ゆったり comfortable/relaxed
すっぽり completly
まったり rich, fullbodied, or mellow/relaxed laid back
In case you’re wanting a more complete set of this type of word (they’re called *gitaigo/*擬態語, *giongo・擬音語,* and *gijōgo 擬情語*) , I’ve been using this corpus for my research for my undergraduate thesis. You can find a complete set with rankings by frequency here ([](
The website is entirely in Japanese, but if you look for 検索 then go to オノマトペ you can find a full list.
I realise looking at your helpful list that I confused がっかり with 掛かり a couple days ago. A person was disappointed her friend didn’t follow through on what he said he’d do, and she said がっかりね.
I have trouble keeping them straight too. But, [this]( was where I saw ぐったり, it’s hard to forget. The clip is about Akiko Takakura who survived the bomb.
The convenient thing about the ◯っ◯り/◯ん◯り adverbs is they all* have the same pitch accent of [3], so you don’t need to look it up. The two ◯っ◯と adverbs on the list have the pitch accent of [1].
*あんまり is [0] though.
FYI these tend to be quite common on the JLPT.