Police struggle with mystery of Abe shooter’s motive

Police struggle with mystery of Abe shooter’s motive


  1. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – Nikkei Asia (B-): [Abe shooting caught police off guard in nation with few guns](https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Abe-shooting-caught-police-off-guard-in-nation-with-few-guns)
    – Japan Today (B): [Facebook, Twitter remove Shinzo assassination videos](https://japantoday.com/category/tech/facebook-twitter-remove-abe-assassination-videos)
    – Newsweek (B-): [Shinzo Abe Shooting Suspect Reveals Assassination Motive: ‘I Aimed to Kill’](https://www.newsweek.com/shooting-suspect-japan-shinzo-abe-nara-assassination-motive-police-1722821)
    – Radio New Zealand (C-): [Shinzo Abe: Japan ex-leader’s alleged killer held grudge against group – police](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/world/470597/shinzo-abe-japan-ex-leader-s-alleged-killer-held-grudge-against-group-police)

    [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/vuritv/) | [More: Abe shooting caught …](https://www.newswall.org/story/facebook-twitter-remove-shinzo-assassination-videos) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I’m a bot

  2. I have a feeling he might’ve had that gun for a while and was itching to use it and just came out and took his opportunity when Abe was in town. Maybe it was calculated if he truly did think Abe was in said organization but I’ve seen a few sources that said this wasn’t political, which is even more tragic. It’s hard to say rn, we’ll find out.

  3. Um, the guy was just crazy? This isn’t a Sherlock Holmes mystery where the criminal is some kind of genius with a cleverly laid out plan and motive.

  4. Japanese middle aged man getting tied up in a weirdly narrowly focused conspiracy or issue? I have never heard of such a thing.

  5. Here’s a [Japanese article](https://bunshun.jp/articles/-/55801) with some more info about the shooter, based on an interview with his neighbor and other information that has been made public.

    The report indicates that the shooter seems to have been a gloomy shut-in (according to his neighbor), and he resented a specific religious group that he believes tore his family apart. He reportedly disliked Abe because of his connection to that group, and it’s also possible that he was originally targeting a different member of the group.

    Though keep in mind that this is an ongoing story so it’s best to take everything with a grain of salt.

    Edit: [News articles](https://gendai.ismedia.jp/articles/-/97322) are coming out reporting that the Unification Church is the specific religious group named in the shooter’s testimony.

  6. Is it confirmed that the ‘religious group’ he’s talking about is the Unification Church/Cult?

  7. at the end of the day no motive can make what he did acceptable in this context. I think that in extreme circumstances you can justify violence, but everything about this screams the selfish act of a dangerous lunatic. I wish the family of Abe peace and hope that this isn’t indicative of a new trend of violence in japan.

  8. I don’t know anything about Japan’s criminal justice system—what will likely happen with the shooter? A quick wiki search says that Japan has capital punishment but generally uses it only for aggravated murders involving multiple victims or torture.

  9. Motive to kill: He was a violent conspiracy theorist Nutball, looking for a target.

    There, I solved the “mystery” for them.

  10. TIn foil hat ON!

    So he was killed a few days before the election? Isn’t the LDP’s goal to reach 2/3 majority?
    Who would gain the most because of his death?

    Tin foil hat OFF!

    RIP Abe

  11. it seems by the evidence taken from the killer’s house that he had been planning or thinking about this for very long time. based on some reports, the decision for shinzo abe to attend the campaign in nara was the night before the tragic day. they were choosing from either nara or chiba (or nagoya?). the killer lives in nara.

  12. While it’s perfectly possible that the murderer was a lone wolf, couldn’t have he been manipulated to kill Abe?

    Did Abe have ennemies (mafia, etc.)? I’m not really familiar with Japanese politics.

  13. Based on the information, the specific religious can be 統一教会, and Yagami used to join the another brunch called センクチュアリ協会 which is made by the son of the 統一教会. So he can be involved in the war between northern Korea and Japan. Such a crisis

  14. Do you really believe it is about the alleged religious group? I think no sane mind should believe that. There is something extremely fishy. It is highly likely he was paid to do so.

  15. some japanese online are floating the idea that it’s a Korean conspiracy. shit nothing bad happens in japan without someone trying to blame Koreans for it. some Japanese are just obsessed with Korea.

  16. This reminds me of the headlines when Abe was still “not responding” when the headlines were “shooter meant to kill Abe.”

    Ya think?

  17. Wholly shit did I go into a bad rabbit hole with youtube and japan cults. I now know where thr xenophobic ultra nationals and nutjobs hang out on weekends. Fuck me.

  18. Speaking of cults, what’s with that Happy whatever cult targeting foreigners? When I was in Japan they were the only natives to cold approach my buddies and I but didn’t go up to a single Japanese person from what I saw…..ALWAYS cute women too, who flirt or act all “wow a foreigner!” then hand you a pamphlet.

  19. Based on multiple reports, there is no “mystery” regarding the shooter’s motive. Shinzo Abe and his family apparently protected the Unification Church from prosecution in Japan in exchange for massive help with their campaigns for over 50 years. The Unification Church has allegedly provided free campaign workers for over half a century to Abe’s family. This has been reported in many. many places, but do your own verification.

    The shooter’s mother allegedly was recruited by the Unification Church and she gave them all of her money. She literally bankrupted herself and her family. The outraged son sought revenge against the Unification Church and Abe was a good target. This is what’s being reported around the world. There is no “mystery”.

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