[17 Day Itinerary] Tokyo|Okinawa|Osaka|Kyoto

Context: Family of 5, parents don’t want to walk too much and willing to use uber (they also understand that it can be costly), sisters are just down to do anything (they’re 24 & 19). My 24yr sister and I will be heading to Japan earlier **Day 1-6,** then rest of family will join us in Haneda and fly to Okinawa.

Just want to see if this itinerary makes sense and if there’s something that I can add or remove. I want this trip to be enjoyable for my parents as this is our first trip to Japan together. I mentioned it already but we’ll be doing a mix of uber and trains since they can’t walk much (they are willing to pay this expense)

Still in the works but this is what I have so far:

**Day 1 \[Arrival\]**
Land Haneda 4:30pm
Check-In Hotel
Explore Shibuya
Muji store in Ginza
Donki for toiletries

**Day 2 \[Explore Tokyo with friend\]**
Meet with friend
Will just follow his lead

**Day 3 \[Day Trip\]**
Conbini breakfast
Hitachi Seaside Park
Udon Dinner

**Day 4 \[Explore\]**
Explore Shibuya/Shinjuku
Color Me Analysis
Miffy Cafe
Cream Puff Factory
Sushi for dinner around 9pm (Reserved)

**Day 5 \[Ueno Trip\]**
Tsukiji breakfast
Ueno Zoo and park

**Day 6 \[Okinawa bound\]**
Okinawa flight noon (still deciding)
Car Rental Pick up (have IDP)
Airbnb Check-in
Check American Village/Dinner

**Day 7 \[North Oki\]**
Kouri Island
Sushi Dinner

**Day 8 \[East Oki\]**
Fish Market
Manga Souko
Cape Zanpa

**Day 9 \[Island hop or South Oki\]**
Island hop(Zamami) or just South Okinawa travel

**Day 10 \[Osaka Bound\]**
Osaka Flight afternoon (still deciding)
Hotel Check-in
Dontonbori wander rest of the night

**Day 11** **\[Osaka/Nara\]**
Train to Nara to see deer and garden
Osaka Explore

**Day 12 \[Kyoto\]**
Kyoto Train
Fushimi Inari (Just for photos since my parents can’t walk too far)
Bamboo Forest
Train to Tokyo

**Day 13 \[Shibuya\]**
Shibuya Shopping
Shibuya Sky
Rokasen Dinner

**Day 14 \[Disney/Tsukiji\]**
Sisters will go to Disney Sea
While my parents and I will do the following:
Meiji (debating on this since it can be a long walk, also my sisters want to see it)
Ichiran Ramen (just to experience)
Grab coco’s for my sisters so they can eat when they get back from Disney Sea

**Day 15 \[West Tokyo?\]**
Japanese Tea Breakfast
Gotokuji temple
Explore Shinjuku

**Day 16 \[North-East Tokyo?\]**
Shiba Cafe (parents want to see small Shibas lol)
Last min Donki shopping

**Day 17 \[Time to head home\]**
Maybe Meiji?
Head to NRT around 1pm for our 5pm flight and some shopping if stores are open

  1. Day 3- I’d recommend choosing either the seaside park or Nikko, as they aren’t close to each other.

    Day 5- Ueno Zoo has mixed reviews due to animal welfare concerns for some people FYI. Some people find it depressing.

    Day 12: Those areas are across the city from each other. It’s doable if you’re arriving early/leaving late and taking taxis but check it out on Google Maps.

  2. Your activities in Tokyo seem to be physically all over the place: on most days you’ll be crisscrossing the city needlessly. Look at a map and pinpoint the places you want to go, then put all the ones closest together on the same day.

    On the first day, for example, you’ll end up at your hotel at around 6 PM, whereafter you’ve got plans for both sides of the city.

    If you want to see Shiba dogs, just go out to a nearby park either in the morning or at around 5 PM-6 PM: many people walk their dogs, and you’ll see some that may be actually cared for properly.

  3. day 12, do yourself a favour. remove the bamboo grove. add kodaiji instead (also has bamboo, is in walking distance to kiyomizudera)

    reason: you are travelling too much and the bamboo grove is not worth the 2+ hours you will waste traveling to and from arashiyama

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