To get HSP points, does the name on the article have to completely match the name in zairyu card?

I have a very long name ( Given name + Given name 2 + middle name + surname) in my zairyu card. I’m about to submit a research article which lists me as the first author. To prevent any trouble when I apply for an HSP visa, what kind of name format should i put in the article? I commonly see given name 1 + surname but is that enough for immigration officers? I’m kinda hesitant to spell out my middle name since banks in my home country typically ask for our middle names to verify our identities prior to doing transactions.

Thank you!

  1. I listed patents with the inventor name slightly different than on my Japanese documents. Immigration never asked me about them, so I assume that it was OK, even though they never told me what points I got from where.

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