Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread – 09 October 2023

Now daily! Feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Serious question. For those of you who have had a family member go to hospice care in your home country, when did you know it was the right time to go back and be with them?

    I don’t want to wait too long obviously, but I’ve heard that people can live for quite a long time in hospice and I can’t just go back indefinitely and basically forfeit my job and life here either. Maybe that sounds harsh, but I can’t work remotely from overseas due to the 15 hour time difference so it’s a difficult situation. (For what it’s worth, I did just go back and visit for two weeks last month)

    I know it depends on each individual situation but it would just help to hear how other people have dealt with this situation in the past. Thanks in advance.

  2. Kind of an NSFW culture question, but contrasting the West’s openness towards sexuality with Japan’s repressive society, how do people find partners who share their kinks? Like on Tinder in the US you could straight up list your kinks in your profile and if someone has a problem with it they just swipe left. But if you try that on Japanese Tinder your account either gets flagged for inappropriate content, or users report/cancel you (which is kinda rich given how they totally ignore 援助交際). Is it like….all underground or something?

  3. Regarding Residence Tax, there is a fixed amount right depending on the city right? Like fixed amount + percentage of the salary? If so, does it mean that the more population the place has, the lower the fixed amount? Coz more people would share the cost?

  4. I made a little bit with crypto, but I don’t know how capital gain tax works.

    It says it’s about 20%.

    Does that mean of a $1000 profit, Japan government takes $200?

  5. With regards to the point system for highly-skilled foreign professionals, will starting a job at an investment firm qualify you for bonus point 14: “Engaged in work related to Investment Management Business, etc.”? [https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/content/001398882.pdf](https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/content/001398882.pdf)

  6. Around the bounds of orchards, there are usually little fans that I never see on and only blowing in the breeze. At first I thought they would be for power generation, but they are angled toward the canopy of the orchard and not facing forward where I would assume there would be a better chance to catch the wind. If it is for pollenation, I figure they would be shorter than they are.

    Anyone here in be know about mysterious orchard fans?

  7. Navigating through USJ app and website has been an absolute hell. For unclear reasons, I could not get through credit card payment through app (white screen after payment confirmation), english website (also white screen) or japanese website (credit card error). Is there an easier way to buy USJ tickets without losing my sanity?

  8. what kind of people do sharehouses tend to attract? are there different types of sharehouses that would have different sorts of people living there?

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