Placement & Dispatch Companies ~ Making a list

I know people can do some Google hunting and such, but I thought it might be nice to make an up to date list of dispatch / placement companies that place ALTs and solo teachers in Japanese public & private junior high schools and senior high schools.

I’m thinking of ones people are currently working with, as I know some have disappeared and while they have a website, it’s old and who knows if the company is still active.

Trying to avoid the “Check Teach Away / Dave’s Cafe” as a suggestion. Also, trying to avoid the ones that are ALWAYS seeming to string applicants on and losing contacts regularly. (Side-eying you, HEART and INTERAC!)

I’ll start with the ones I’ve either personally had recent contact with or know an actual human who has had recent contact with them.

[Brain Academy](

[Edu Career](

[Cosmo Co. Ltd.](



  1. There are no good dispatch companies.

    JET is the only OK-ish ALT employer that won’t rob you or lie to you.

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