Have you ever received stares in an onsen?

Hey, so I just went to an onsen for the first time and received stares from 2 middle aged looking men.

Before I went, I researched up on proper onsen etiquette like fully scrubbing yourself before going in.

I know posts on redditors tend to exaggerate their experiences, but they were staring super hard at me.

The first guy was actually in a different bath, however that bath had a glass window to my area.
The moment I sat down, he was started to stare at me, i tried to avoid eye contact, but every time i noticed he was looking at me, his eyes went away.

Then , he came over to my area, and sat in a squatted position, his dick was like in full view loll and he kept staring at me….. I would like to say I have thick skin, but I wanted to say like “Hey, Whats up Dude?”, but I felt that would be rude and he wouldn’t understand anyway. He then started like fondling his dick, which I feel was also weird hahaha, but i mean what else is there to touch in an onsen.

So just before I caught the second guy staring, some guy fully dressed came into the onsen to look around, not sure if it was because of me.

Second guy, was also a middle aged man, and kept on staring at me as well. I said Hi to him, and asked if i was doing anything wrong, but he didn’t understand me.

So yeah let me know if this has happened to you before, or maybe I am just too sensitive.

  1. My onsen experiences have all involved a cone of silence and no looking at each other. Whatever just happened to you is not normal.

  2. Sometimes an older guy would want to start a conversation with me to practice his English but that is all although one time some 6 year old approached me and would not stop talking to me. I was worried I looked like a pedophile as everyone watched us talking. At one point I got up to go away but he moved with me and it looked like I was leaving with a kid.

  3. I had a friend who was very well endowed go to the onsen. Some little old lady walked up, grabbed one of her boobs and squeezed it. And then backed off like she hadn’t done something outrageous.

  4. Japanese guys usually leave the bath that I am getting in. It’s like the empty train seat next to foreigners thing. Some people might get offended, but I love it because more bath space for me!

  5. I’ve been to many onsen and usually it is a quiet and non remarkable experience. However sometimes people will start up conversations! 裸の仲間 is what I think they call it? But I’ve talked in Japanese with plenty a おじさん and one time I was even in a mixed onsen in tochigi and an entire family was talking with me. Wife, husband, and daughter. Wild experience but all were fortunately pleasant

  6. It sounds like the first guy thought you were playing flirty eyes and he took it as a green flag to come on over.

  7. Yeah bro that sounds really weird and not normal.

    I’ve had a few little old ladies come up and make small talk with me. I have a lot of tattoos and a few times they’ve complimented/asked to see them better.

  8. Yes. One time in Hakone. It was weird. There were other foreigners there though, so I got a break when they stared at them too.

  9. Woahhh that sounds hella weird. I’m not sure what men do but women don’t touch themselves in the onsen like that, gross. I have gotten looks (I tend to go to onsens in rural areas with no foreigners) and old women come up and talk to me surprising frequency, but I’ve never gotten the type of intense stare you’re talking about.

    Side note: clothed people are generally onsen employees. They come through pretty regularly to check the water temperature

  10. Location specific but some areas in Shinjuku have a high concentration of gay residents. And when you visit the sentos, some of them will sit uncofomfortably close and start to try to hook up. Stopped going there entirly. Better to shower/bath in home to avoid weird experiences all together.

  11. As I live in the countryside, people tend to ask why I’m there… Why aren’t you in Tokyo, my man? kind of thing.
    Sometimes I ask myself the same question, just not in the bath with other dudes.

  12. Are you also staring? If you avert your gaze yourself you may be less likely to have people stare back.

  13. I take out my contacts before entering the onsen room so that I can’t see anyone and can’t see if they’re looking at me. Then enjoy the onsen in the bliss of ignorance

  14. Yeah that totally happened and you’re just too ‘sensitive’.

    God what is happening on this sub with all the fabricated stupid stories recently?

  15. There are onsens known for gay sex just like there are public toilets in Tokyo where men in the know go to get off. You might have simply stumbled into one.

  16. Had a salaryman full on suck me off in the onsen. I thought “this is weird, but good. Why not?” Is this normal?

  17. My dad went to boarding school and plays squash so he’s used to being naked around dudes. He came to Japan and tried an onsen, but he said everyone was staring at him so hard he turned around and left!

    But what you experienced sounds a lot creepier!

  18. I went to a wavepool once and I have 3 small tattoo’s. It was packed and I was in the middle of the pool when they blew a whistle and stopped the waves. The lifeguard singled me out and asked me to get out. Everyone was staring and my wife (gf at the time) was pretty embarrassed. They told me I couldn’t have visible tattoo’s even as a foreigner. They were really nice about it and put large bandaids over them for me so I could go back in the pool. It was an interesting experience to say the least.

  19. Everybody is always staring at my massive hog. Now, you might say that’s because of the full-on erection, but I refuse to be shamed for my excellent cardiovascular health.

  20. I (f) stopped going to onsen because I was tired of old ladies touching me.

    I am very pale, which is seen as desirable here.

    But look with your eyes not your hands!!!!!

  21. Yes, when I spent too long in the bath and fainted on my way back to the changing room. I woke up surrounded by naked oji-sans and a chorus of 大丈夫ですかs.

  22. Please tell me I’m not the only person to notice all of these ‘crazy’ and ‘wacky’ stories on this sub are always written by new accounts, with the same tone and style of writing lol

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