Made sushi burrito with Costco salmon

Made sushi burrito with Costco salmon

  1. How did you close up the ends so things don’t spill out lol or is it up open?

    Ps this looks so good I wanna make it.

  2. I don’t think it’s safe to use costco salmon without processing it first. I have a chest freezer and I throw it in there with the salmon in contact with the wall to freeze fast. After a couple weeks, I allow it to defrost slowly in the fridge and it’s as good as fresh!

  3. Looks great! I’d prefer some cucumber in there for a texture difference, but I’d still eat this.

  4. Word of warning.

    Costco’s fish is not frozen nor deep frozen long enough to use directly for Sushi.

    ESPECIALLY for how long it sits thawed on display for purchase.

  5. I’ve always disliked how tough the tail meat is (due to how the fish uses it for acceleration and steering, of course it’s gonna get all tough and strong lol 🤣) so I usually just use it to cook for meal prep meals during the week lol just a tip for anyone wondering hehe

  6. This is how my family got really sick. I was the only one that didn’t eat so I was fine.

  7. That looks too big to eat. Allow me to do a solid and eat it for you. So you don’t stretch your mouth too far. Looking out for uou

  8. Is be careful about getting non sashimi grade salmon. A lot of them have parasites in them, I have seen some nasty stuff in store salmon

  9. I click on one link and it’s 2010. Can’t be bothered to click the others. Find a recent date link and not an old article.

  10. Am I wrong in believing that you need “sushi grade salmon” to eat raw? Farm raised or not doesn’t mean anything- they have to flash freeze it to rid it of parasites I thought. I could be talking out of my ass so will gladly take any feedback

  11. That looks amazing, but HUGE. And is it common for people to use fish packets like this for raw consumption?

  12. Not trying to freak you out but Google “worm in Costco salmon”. My friend actually saw it for herself as well when shopping at her Costco. T_T

  13. That looks like a bit much for me. Could maybe eat half a roll. I hope it was enjoyable big dawg.

  14. The fish to rice ratio is good (greedy even lol which i like) but the rice look kinda dry out but also mushy looking for some reason? Am i wrong?

    It just looks off but maybe I’m wrong. I do make sushi with costco fish too but just sashimi. Tried to do rice but need more practice.

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