Plan domestic shipping from abroad

Hi everyone, I just left Japan and I had to leave in my room an item that doesn’t fit into my luggage. It was collected by the residence and it belongs to a friend who told me to ship it to a domestic address where he can collect it once he’s back there.

The problem is neither the residence nor a colleague who is staying in the residence is available to organise the shipping (which of course I will pay), hence I need to know if there is a possibility that I can organise it from abroad and only tell the residence to give the item to the courier.

Thank you

1 comment
  1. The only way this can work is if you send to your friend by 着払い (COD) because any other method I can think of involves paying to the driver picking the stuff up.

    anyway, I’m pretty sure you can fill out and reserve kuroneko pickup online but it will probably need a domestic mobile to verify account. so… uh.. easiest probably ask your friend to do the arranging, and have them send the item to themselves by COD. You can then figure out how to pay them etc.

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