Does your listening/reading stamina improve over time?

I’m not asking about when you’ve learned Japanese fluently and you can easily reading or watch something that you can enjoy for hours, just like in your native lesson. I mean when you’re actively deciphering stuff in your brain that is properly challenging at your level, are you able to increase how much you’re able to do over time? It seems my limit is like 10-15 minutes if that when listening to or reading something completely in Japanese before my brain is completely overloaded and I have to take a break for several hours or until the next day. I’m not sure if I’ll get to where I can do like an hour+ at some point or if this is just my personal limit and I need to work with that. I’m just now starting to consume japanese media, so I’m going through a lot of mental hoops with listening and reading things that are at my level. Let me know the answer either from personal experience or with science.

  1. Yes, it’s normal and the same with any language I would say. It’s because you are not yet at ease with it or don’t know enough vocabulary or grammar so your brain spends more time deciphering and trying to catch anything or every thing it can

    I don’t know what you are using but you should try to watch/listen or read something that you enjoy too, if you haven’t yet.

    In any case it will come more naturally

  2. I’m playing Pokemon: Arceus in Japanese. It is excruciating for my basic ass, but every once in a while, I feel like I am able to read with a bit more fluency than before. Just keep reading!

  3. Happens to everyone with every language. Eventually most of it becomes background so you naturally have less mental strain as you go on.

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