Help finding a specific dish in Tokyo

When I lived in Tsukuba, I used to frequent an amazing bento place named Katsudai. They had an “ama miso” bento, which had chicken katsu covered with a sweet dark miso sauce. I suspect it’s similar to the Nagoya miso katsu I’ve seen online, but I’ve never been to Nagoya so I can’t confirm. Any ideas where I might find this dish in Tokyo?

  1. Misokatsu Yabaton


    These two might have what you’re looking for (making assumptions from pictures online).

  2. Katsudai’s ama miso bento stands for “Amazu Karaage and Miso Chicken Katsu bento”, according to [their website](

    > あまみそ弁当
    580 円

    Maybe Matsunoya’s miso chicken katsu (味噌チキンかつ) is similar and easy to find? I have no idea with amazu karaage, but 油淋鶏 might be similar??

    I don’t know if they are exactly same ’cause I’ve never been to Katsudai.

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