Weekly Thread: Material Recs and Self-Promo Wednesdays! (October 11, 2023)

Happy Wednesday!

Every Wednesday, share your favorite resources or ones you made yourself! Tell us what your resource an do for us learners!

Weekly Thread changes daily at 9:00 EST:

Mondays – Writing Practice

Tuesdays – Study Buddy and Self-Intros

Wednesdays – Materials and Self-Promotions

Thursdays – Victory day, Share your achievements

Fridays – Memes, videos, free talk

  1. Hello everyone!

    A bit of a change from something to promote, conversely I’m looking for information on what people are already using! If you have a moment to answer a quick survey about what apps you’re using I would greatly appreciate your cooperation!


  2. Hiiiiii.
    It took me quite a while to finish making this video, but I finally uploaded it last night.

    It’s about Textbook Japanese Vs. Real Conversational Japanese : ません Vs. ないです.

    Because I used a picture of two octopus-shaped sausages, which is called タコさんウインナー in Japanese, the names of the characters in there are タコさん and ウィーンさん.

    Hope you enjoy watching it ☺️


  3. Hey all,

    I’ve been working on 3 comprehensible input projects for the past 4/5 years. The links can be found on the homepage of [my site]( https://drdru.github.io/ ).

    – Read Japanese from Day 1 : a hundred page long project aiming to teach Japanese without relying on translation (a la Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata). Warning : some caveats have been expressed in this sub about the quality of the Japanese and it’s something I’ll be working on. It’s not wrong per se but it can be borderline especially at the beginning due to the need to keep things very simple.

    – The Tile World Chronicles : a set of FF6 inspired stories at the N4 level illustrated with Pixel art. The longest one of them (Markus’ Ascent) is a real grown up story with all the character development and world building one expects from a piece of work non targeted to language learners. I’ve received very good feedback by those who’ve read it. The Japanese used is ~70% natural, ~30% language learner Japanese and 100% correct.

    – Return To Parascythe a translation into easy Japanese of a visually impressive comic book taking place in a post apocalytic world. Only the first part is available for now. It comes with a Kanji guide [here]( https://drdru.github.io/return_to_parascythe/kanji_guide.html ).
    The Japanese has been proofreader by a native speaker (I’m aware of one typo though. Can you find it ? 😉 )

    I hope some of you will enjoy these !

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