Trash disposal katsushika-ku

I just moved to shinkoiwa Tokyo. I’ve recently bought a bunch of stuff to kit my apartment out but am left with heaps of large pieces of styrofoam. Does anyone know the correct way to get rid of it without pissing everyone in my building off?

I know it’s technically plastic and can be tossed away with my other stuff, I just don’t know if I should neatly stack the large pieces in the garbage area or if I should break it all down into separate bags?

Thanks for any advice!

  1. Don’t know if we did it perfectly right, but here’s what we did… besides styrofoam, all our furniture also came in giant clear plastic bags. I put the styrofoam in those. If they wouldn’t fit all the way in, I broke them from within the bag so the crumbs didn’t get everywhere. As few breaks as possible to fit in the bag… styrofoam off-gasses some nasty fumes. Then tied up the bags and put them out in the crow boxes with the other plastics. 🤷‍♀️ Seemed to work.

  2. Look at the booklet your ward gives out. Ours does not allow packing plastic with regular and it has a separate day. I had a bag of mixed stuff rejected for that (and it was cut down).

  3. Have you tried looking at the city website and their garbage disposal guide?

    Sometimes it has additional information about how to dispose of items. Like if you should break down styrofoam or if it’s ok to put it out as is.

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