Has anyone here ever tried “self-imposed” immersion?

Many of us want want to learn Japanese, but without living in Japan, there’s not much opportunity to truly immerse. And although a learner might practice with a native Japanese resource for an hour or two a day, most would not really consider that “immersion.”

So has anyone here ever tried to follow a strict regimen of immersing as much as is humanly possible in Japanese while living outside the country? Just like a person living in a non-English country might with English? So for example:

* Making an effort to try to form every thought in Japanese throughout the day including asking yourself questions to challenge your vocab internally

* Spending any free/hobby/learning time ONLY using native Japanese resources (following news, playing games, watching YouTube, reading, talking to online friends, etc.)

* Maintaining daily communications or talking with a Japanese speaking friend/engaging with a Japanese language social media group daily?

**While I understand many of one’s interactions would require them to use English (talking with family/friends/coworkers/etc.), has anybody tried immersing “as much as possible,” and if so, how is it working for you?**

1 comment
  1. I did self immersion while but with English. Not consciously but I talk mostly in english and my hobbies and the things I watch are in english. It does work but I also had a pretty high level already, enough to read Shakespeare in original work prior. It only helped me not loose everything once I had no more english lessons

    Imo you cannot do self-immersion without having at least a certain level already. I would say N4-N3. Somewhere in between or at least N3, because you will be missing vocabulary and how to properly write your sentences with the correct grammar. Let alone if you try to think in Japanese

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