Wet Window Season again

This morning I was greeted with a massive amount of window condensation. Ugh, I really don’t want to deal with this all over again this fall and winter, using a squeegee multiple times a day, especially since some of the windows are hard to reach after rearranging the furniture. I’ve been looking for solutions on amazon but I figured it would be best to first ask you all here what you recommend for this problem. I appreciate your suggestions

  1. There’s this condensation tape that you can get at any home store (and even daiso) that you can put on the bottom of your windows. I do that every year and it works great.

  2. Not the best solution but in my last apartment we had the same problem and ended up just leaving the kitchen fan on 24/7. It isn’t exactly something I wanted to do but it turned the windows from being literally soaked every morning to just kinda damp.

  3. Where is the condensation appearing? It sounds like you have a crack in one of them that’s letting air in or escape to negate the effect of the insulation between the two, (or three if your windows are triple glazed).

  4. I bought a tiny dehumidifier from Amazon. Initially for my closet because it’s shared with the shower (don’t ask, it’s stupid) but I got another one for the windows. It’s super effective, turn it on before bed and off after the sun is up.

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