~koto, ~kata?

I have a bit of a problem with turning verbs into nouns. I have learned 3 different ways so far and I don’t know which one to use in what situation. (N5)

I have learned 行くこと、行ったこと and 行きかた。As far as I understand, I need to use ikukoto with dekimasu. (びょういんへ 行くこと が できますか). And I need to use ittakoto with ga arimasu (日本へ 行ったこと が あります。
1. Do I use these forms with other verbs too?
2. When do I use ikikata?

1 comment
  1. Where are you getting いきかた from exactly?
    Are you perhaps confusing it with [生](#fg “い”)き[方](#fg “かた”) (方 being “The way of doing something / how to do” → the way one walks)?

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