Johnny somali has been arrested again


  1. “Khalid repeatedly commits troublesome acts in Japan.”

    Turns out the Japanese police can play that game too!

  2. What stunts is he pulling exactly and why?? I don’t even see the meme potential

  3. Can you imagine what a whiney little bitch he must be by now? I bet the cops are sick to the back teeth of him.

  4. Didn’t read the article, just the headline. Seems that they’re going to arrest him on suspicion of live streaming in a bar without permission. That seems so petty and I am absolutely here for it.

  5. Said this on a different thread but most likely: keep re arresting him on new charges until his visa runs out. During which time he has minimal visitors including lawyers / embassy. Human Rights Watch considers Japanese detention inhumane. So he is not enjoying it.
    He signs a confession. He gets prosecuted and suspended sentence. He gets a police escort onto the plane flight home never to return again.

  6. The one time I am rooting for Japanese police. Abuse the shit out of the 23 day loophole.

  7. I don’t know who this guy is, but understand the logic of what Police are doing, but questioned whether that is fair.

    Then I googled what he’s been up to for context….

    “Previous clips had shown Ismael entering a truck belonging to a private delivery firm, dancing on a rush-hour commuter train, and walking around Tokyo Disneyland shouting “Fukushima! Atomic bomb! Shinzo Abe!”. Ismael was also filmed on a train telling Japanese people that “we’re going to drop another atomic bomb”.”


    Fuck that guy. Lock him up, watch him cry and beg, then boot him out and never let him back.

  8. I don’t know who this guy is, but understand the logic of what Police are doing, but questioned whether that is fair.

    Then I googled what he’s been up to for context….

    “Previous clips had shown Ismael entering a truck belonging to a private delivery firm, dancing on a rush-hour commuter train, and walking around Tokyo Disneyland shouting “Fukushima! Atomic bomb! Shinzo Abe!”. Ismael was also filmed on a train telling Japanese people that “we’re going to drop another atomic bomb”.”


    Fuck that guy. Lock him up, watch him cry and beg, then boot him out and never let him back.

  9. “大阪市内の飲食店で無断でライブ配信を行うなど迷惑行為をしたとして威力業務妨害容疑で再逮捕する方針を固めた。”

    Is live streaming in a restaurant actually illegal? I think a lot of people have streams in restaurants and pubs here.

  10. I reckon the police department is quite clever. He has only committed numerous misdemeanours, so he doesn’t actually get jailed for his crimes. He just receives suspended sentences for a while and ends up completely free.

    However, the police arrests him multiple times and detains him in custody for 23 days for each arrest, causing him to overstay, giving the government a valid reason to deport him. There is substantial evidence from his streams that he has committed many misdemeanours.

  11. Who is the “米国籍の知人男(24)” along for the ride in jail with him? Is he just as bad as our main character here?

  12. This is one of those loop holes in the law. The police has multiple charges on him, and use it one-at-a-time every 23 days, to charge this guy, LOL.

    First one was BnE on a construction site, this time it’s no-permit filming in a restaurant, more coming 23 days later. He might’ve accumulated enough to last him 3 years like the news mentioned a few weeks ago.

    Good luck somali, LMAO.

  13. Japan’s capacity to detain people for a month without charging them is disgusting and god help me if Johnny Somali is the figure that brings attention to it.

    File the charges and deport him already.

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