Is there a way to avoid sharing my new address to my old work?

So the last day at my current job is next Wednesday and I’m starting at a new place at the end of the month. I also moved to a new apartment since I was staying in a company dorm.

Due to a gap in my end and start dates, there’s a form I’d need to submit at the city hall for social insurance/pension, where I’ll be having my current job mail them to my new apartment.

The only thing is I don’t want my current job to know my new address due to a nosy office staff. It is a small company so this office staff handles all the administrative paperwork. But she is *extremely* nosy and is always trying to find “gossip” of people.

When another coworker left the company a couple months back, she started “looking up” places on google map around my former coworker’s new home after she got info from them.

“Oh they’re very close to 5 konbinis! How lucky of them!”
“They live very close to a cemetery. I wonder if their apartment is haunted?”

She also used google street view to look up the apartment and have said things like, “The apartment looks so old. I wonder how much are they paying?”

Just very stalker-ish actions in my opinion.

She’ll not only do these but will share whatever info she found to anyone who’d listen; “I know where (former coworker) lives!”

It’s really annoying and kind of a breach of privacy.

I’ve tried calling her out on it once saying it’s creepy that she’s looking up places of a former coworker. She got defensive and said that she’s just being curious and there’s no harm since it’s not like she’s going to actually stalk them or sell their information.

Anyway, I figure she’ll do the same thing to me when I leave and I have to give her my new address info for the forms. We do not have an HR, in fact she is HR. And talking to the CEO won’t work because he too is a very nosy guy and also likes to gossip with the office lady.

So what would be the best way to work around this? Is there like a temporary mail box or something that I can get to avoid having to share my new address info to my old job? If there is, how soon can I get one?

  1. [Japan Post mail redirection/forwarding. ](

    *When moving, postal items sent to the former address are redirected to the new address free of charge for one year just by submitting the relocation form to the counter of the post office near you.*

    *Forwarding service is effective for the period of one year from submitting the relocation form (not from the requested starting date of the forwarding service).*

    *After the forwarding service expires, postal items will be returned to the sender.*

  2. They didn’t need to know you moved. Just set up the free mail forwarding with Japan Post (which you should do anyway) and ask them to send the stuff to the address they already have in file.

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