It’s that time of year…weather confusion.

(Not to be taken seriously. Fully satire, though based entirely on true observation)

This is the time of year where Japan absolute panics.

Finally the brutal summer is over and literally overnight the temperatures drop to a level that I would consider comfortable. Here is the issue however; it’s mid October.

They panic.

It’s still warm, a tee shirt would be fine for most people, but they HAVE to dress as if on the other side of the wall in game of thrones. You see them sweating and dying on the inside, but they have to conform.

Then there’s the train heat blast. Even the train is on it. He’s scared to not conform to the calendar. It’s reasonably warm this morning, but I step onto the train and the inferno SLAPS me in the head as I begin to roast.

Man, woman, train, they all conform.

Children are more than likely the only ones capable of Independent thought.

Thank you 🙏 your thoughts? ☀️

  1. GOT line made me chuckle:) I stopped worrying about these since they won’t change lol. Be comfortable.

  2. > It’s still warm, a tee shirt would be fine for most people

    I just spent the last few months acclimatizing to 30C weather. It’s only 20C right now in Tokyo and unless I’m in direct sun, that’s not warm. Just a t-shirt isn’t comfortable.

  3. It really depends on the individual. Where what your comfortable in and don’t worry about what others are wearing.

    I’m like you, I will be wearing t-shirts and shorts until mid November.

  4. If people want to suffer wearing Canada Goose already, they can have at it. I’m done with t-shirts, however, and have already packed them away for the year! By the end of summer, I feel like I’ve been sweating while draped in rice paper 24 hours a day for weeks on end, so I’m all kinds of ready for long sleeves, jeans, fuzzy sweaters and warm socks, even while it’s still on the warm side.

  5. I’m on the train right now wearing a t-shirt. The Japanese man next to me is wearing a winter jacket. I’m starting to think the lizard people conspiracy is right seeing how cold blooded everyone here is

  6. Literally sat on the Odakyu now is a short sleeve shirt, shorts and sandals and the guy next to me is in a full duck downed waxed Barbour jacket with (*shivers*) fingerless gloves on. Absolute nutter.

  7. They had the air conditioner on full blast on kintestsu from. Osaka last night .. it was freezing

  8. In Hokkaido seeing on the news people in Tokyo wearing full coats and scarves when the temps in the morning are sub 20 makes me laugh. There is no cold winter in Tokyo.

  9. It’s not really a hivemind conspiracy. It’s because it dipped below 25 last week, and middle aged women who are in charge of every family’s clothes all felt cold so they packed away summer clothes and unpacked winter clothes, so nobody was anything comfortable to wear anymore. So, it’s less hivemind conspiracy and more that everybody lets their mothers/wives deal with the wardrobe and the ritual of changing out seasonal clothes means that ones clothes are gone for the season there is no going back. This is why I don’t pack away summer clothes until late November.

  10. It’s that time of the year when people create threads revealing that they’ve lived for decades without figuring out that different people feel the same temperature differently.

    I’m black and lean, and unless I’m under direct heat like in the middle of summer I am rarely warm enough in just a t-shirt. The endless complaining about Japanese people not wearing the right amount of clothing based on how they assume everyone else feels comes exclusively from Westerners, in my experience. People can’t be faulted for having higher cold tolerance, but somehow being unable to figure out that others around you are not feeling the same thing as you is inconceivable.

    As if people are dressing in a way that makes them too hot just because they want to conform with something, rather than that literally just being what they need to do to feel comfortable. Just sheer pig-headed ignorance.

  11. This is the time when multiple train lines get held up due to お客様救護. Pain in the posterior.

  12. This is the first time in months that I’ve felt comfortable in my summer clothes. I would call the current temperature “perfect”.

  13. Got a call from the older childs shogakkou teacher:

    ‘Are you sure he’s warm enough in just Shorts and T-shirt?’

    ‘Yes, did he say he was cold?’

    ‘No, he said he was hot.’

    ‘Well he’s a big boy now and we let him wear what he wants’

  14. I totally relate to this. Unstable temps. I run hot so I dress down, but bring a light windbreaker. That usually covers eventualities.

    The people in down and sweaters make me hot just looking at them. 😓

  15. Canadian malls do this shit too. We do need the outerwear but it’s some sort of cruel joke making us sweat the second we walk inside then sweat taking it off

    It’s got to be a way to keep us in there until we are slightly less damp or else be more freezing when we go outside.

    Now there is a conspiracy theory.

  16. It is a hard problem for me cuz where i live it gets cold at night to around 15C now but soon as i get to the area where i work at, it is around 20-25C.

  17. This is Ideal Canadian summer weather!! Havent seen any locals here jn Kyushu rocking the winter gear yet.

  18. The worst part is yet to come… fucking moronic mansion building management deciding that EVERYBODY needs to have heat blasting out from their AC units when it’s still in the 20s in November, whether they fucking like it or not.

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