PR guarantor, still required or not?

So our office is in an uproar right now. I know the simple answer is “Japanese bureaucracy lol” but was hoping somebody here might shed some light on things. So basically, we have two employees who just got their PR and both did so without any guarantor. They said they filled out the forms and submitted all their stuff and got approved no questions asked about missing guarantor at all. Their fancy new cards prove it too. Meanwhile another employee just went last week to apply for PR and was told that he needed one. Another employee wants to do their PR next year and isn’t sure if they need a guarantor or not. Everything I see online still says guarantors are required but the two swear up and down they didn’t need them and were never asked. The two that got theirs without guarantors applied in February of this year and May of this year. We have no reason to believe that anybody is lying but it is odd that we all work for the same company, similar in age and been in the country for similar amounts of time but everybody is having different experiences. Were they just lucky and both slipped through? Any insight would be appreciated.

1 comment
  1. There was a change to do with guarantors last year, so it might’ve been due to the chaos from that change. It went from needing salary information of the guarantor, to just writing down their name.

    However, it might also be due to the route they used to get PR. I seem to remember each route (Spouse vs HSP vs 10 year) having different guarantor requirements.

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