Confused about the procedure to open bank account


Currently on a work/holiday visa with my girlfriend. We arrived in japan 1 months ago.

We are currently looking to open a bank account in order to receive our pay for when we will start working.

Most of the bank won’t let us open a bank account until we stayed for a minimum of 6 months.

My question is: How do people get their pay without a Japanese bank account? Do they get a check from their employer?

Thanks for your help.

  1. Japan Post (Yucho) will let you. They’re the only one that will if you’re doing it by yourself before 6 months. Some may agree to let you before 6 months if you take your employer with you, otherwise your only choice is JP.

  2. Just goto the post office bank, usually youll have to register your address with the city hall before theyll let you make an account though.

    Its the worst bank Japan has and you only get a cash car (Cant do online payments like amazon) but it is what it is. You can still order from amazon and pay at the conveniece store.

    You will want to get the Yucho Direct service just so you can use their app to send money overseas and check your balance without finding an ATM. Its all in Japanese though.

    I recommend getting an EPOS card once you have your Yucho (Japan post) bank setup, just link it to your bank. The language barrier might mess you up though.

  3. Bring your employer with you to the bank. They will write a paper confirming you are making an account for salary. All banks will accept that.

  4. I brought a letter from my employer.

    (Edit: It was an official “Certificate of Employment” or something similarly named.)

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