How do you guys watch western movies in Japanese?


I’m looking for a site or sites that I can use to consume western media garbage in Japanese. I’m having a really tough time with Amazonã‚„Netflix here because:
a) Netflix’s selection is a joke
b) Amazon is really expensive even with prime (400円 to RENT a single movie on Amazon, are you kidding me)
c) They often don’t have Japanese dubbed versions for them, especially older ones.

It’s a real pain in the bum to look for movies here, my SO doesn’t speak English and subs are usually pretty bad from my experience. Just comparing the dubbed version of Pulp Fiction I found clips of on Youtube for example, to the subbed version we saw, it’s a night and day difference.
Of course I’m looking for legal methods first and foremost but I wouldn’t mind a shady DM or two if it meant I can watch some of that good stuff you know what I mean. Alternatively idk if there’s like an alternate to blockbuster here or something, I haven’t bothered to look around that much yet.

Any suggestions?

  1. Well you’ve got the Internet based ones like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon prime, Disney+. Then you have the BS/CS subscription channels on your TV like wowow and star channel (both with three separate channels), maybe other channels on sky perfect TV

  2. Only on planes. Japanese dub makes them more listenable to me over all the noise. The original track tends to be more nuanced and natural, and so it’s a bit harder to catch.

  3. Put on a cowboy hat, chew some tobacco and spit. I find it really adds to the experience!

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