しょがないだよ? じゃーおけです かもしれない

Today on my way to work I found a super jiji laying on the ground, a 年上 hombre that fell off his bike, still attached to his oxygen tank, couldn’t even stand his old ass up.

Got him to his feet, picked up his bike, offered to help him back to his house. Made sure he had no injury, all he could say was : “どこの国から来ましたか?” after i replied he gave me a shaky old “いいですねー”

He mounted his bike, nearly fell again upon take off and rode off like a cowboy. I thought why the hell are people that old allows to ride bikes? Like if you have a damn oxygen tank it should be mandatory to drag that thing behind your feet.

He said there was no family at home either.
– the elderly generation is so helpless, is it karma? Or has society really just given up on them? Did he have anyone? I felt terrible leaving him – but his pride perhaps was too high.

This was just a special experience I wanted to share as I rarely see people this old alone outdoors in my home country.

– if you have a similar story feel free to share.

  1. Good thing it was a bike and not a car. There’s been a lot of talk on the news lately about the rise in traffic accidents caused by people who are too old to drive but decide to do so anyway

  2. My late grandfather (Japanese) couldn’t be convinced that he was too old to drive or do strenuous work. He would be insulted by the notion that he should take it easy and let us help. I think people that lived through Japan’s economic growth era (not to be mistaken with the economic bubble) are generally used to doing things on their own and not relying on others. When the current generation grows older I’m sure things would be different

  3. I was in an onsen and this really old hombre at the wash station started swaying. I saw he was going to topple over so I jumped up and grabbed him, helping him onto the ground safely.

    Then he (literally) shit himself and (proverbially) shit got real.

    He was barely conscious and just mumbling. I honestly thought he was dying or having a major stroke. Another guy went out to call an ambulance, which miraculously arrives in about five minutes. By then he was more coherent (all the while I’m spraying his poo down the drains and trying to clean him up). The ambulance boys get him up and into the changing room. I try to go back to the bath but the whole poo thing just kind of ruined it so I rinse off and leave.

    Next time I came, the onsen hombre said the old guy was probably drunk and got too hot and light-headed. He refused any medical treatment and drove himself home (30 min). I both respect him and am horrified that he is free-ranging out in the world to wreak further havoc.

  4. Once saw one of those old timer’s riding a bicycle on the freeway.
    How did he got past IC? Don’t know.
    Then police came and started shouting at him to get of his bicycle but the dude just kept going. He’s brave or got a death wish.
    The police escorted him to the next IC and made sure he took it.
    Old people in Japan man…

  5. > if you have a similar story feel free to share.

    This happened literally last night. As I came home from the スーパー , there was an old and frail おばあさん lying on the ground a few meters from my building’s door. Luckily another lady had already stopped and was administering first aid and had her phone out to call the 救急車. The おばあさん was conscious but bleeding profusely from her head and it was making a gruesome puddle right outside my building. From what I could gather she just fell over and hit her head. She just kept saying 帰りたい over between sobs and over, it was とても可哀想.

    In a few minutes the 救急車 arrives and they swoop her up, but it stayed across the street for a good 30 minutes. I guess it took some time for them to find a hospital that would accept her.

  6. Reading the comments, I guess this is a thing then?

    Was at the supermarket and had noticed the attendant go out the front door. Later on when I was done, saw the attendant talking to an old lady with a bike. Walked past and then the old lady rode past me and proceeded to topple and fall. Helped her up. She got back on the bike. Rode a little ahead and toppled again, this time falling really heavily and hitting her head. She still tried to get back on the bike, but at this point, 2 Japanese women who were nearby had seen and they stopped her from getting back on, and I think one called an ambulance. Was really glad they were there cos I’m not sure what I would’ve done to stop her from getting back on the bike again…

    I guess she probably also fell in front of the supermarket or something, which is why the attendant had gone out. :S

  7. Sounds like kind of a sad situation. What you thought of as pride may just be necessity. He may not have anyone to help him get things he needs, so he has to go out in that feeble state himself.

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