Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (July 30, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Does adding 的 change the words
    like 絶望 added with 的. What difference does it make?

  2. Okay I’m probably overthinking things but please hear me out:

    I’m on my 4th anime now and in all of them some characters pronounce their A’s extremely close (or even identical) to their O’s. For instance, I’ve understood the protagonist of “Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru” to have said ソード (because the vowels sounded exactly the same to me) when in reality he said そうだ according to the subs. I am afraid of creating sentence cards out of these animes because I don’t want to pick up a non-Tokyo accent (this is prolly me overthinking…). In an earlier thread somebody said that this can also happen when somebody is talking in a childish fashion. Have I just been unlucky in my anime selection or is this phenomenon just completely normal and wide-spread?

  3. When I learned the suffix 「ように」I learned that it was something like “In order to accomplish”.

    But I just encountered a translation that turned:



    >Don’t drink this water.

    I’m fine that it’s not a word-for-word translation, but it still surprised me. I would have translated “Don’t drink this water” as something like 「この水をのまないで」. So my first question is whether or not I’m wrong in my translation, and then if I’m not is there an emotional difference here that text has difficulty conveying?

    If I have to guess I’d guess this is a case where Japanese is leaving out an implication, so its direct translation would be something like “drinking that water would lead to something bad happening”, so it’s more like a warning rather than a command? Am I close?

  4. 好きになったほうが負けなのである

    What does ほう change in this sentence ?

  5. How long does it take to learn enough words that I can just read a childrens book without needing to look up what something means?

  6. For the following sentence, can the に in front of 考え be removed, or what purpose does it add to the sentence?


  7. Can you use ね,よ and other ending particles in past tense? Would it be like …でしたね? And can you use them withます? If so, can you use past tense like ましたね?

  8. Hey guys!

    Is the meaning of け in sentences like “みんな 前だけ見てけよ ” a contraction of くれ? I didn’t find any article teaching about that

  9. Consider this sentence: 俺にも名前がある

    I’d say that も could be replaced with は, depending on the context. However, with either of these particles removed, the sentence sounds wrong to me (i.e. 俺に名前がある or 俺も名前がある). Can someone confirm this and explain why this is the case?

  10. Curious about some explanation sentence endings like のです and よ. I have seen some of their uses to include explanatory markers and supposedly marking new information but – and maybe because I’m not a native speaker, I just don’t have the same sense for these – wouldn’t the listener know what is new information or what is being explained to them without having to mark just through the sentence alone? It’s not like someone hears something and thinks “Well, I thought I already knew that but then you said よ so I guess I didn’t.”

    I know there are other usages to these particles but I am just not seeing this one specific use.

  11. Playing a game where someone says: もうちょっと素直になれないもんかねえ、アイツ

    I have found som native explanations for 素直になる, but I’m still not completely grasping this sentence. Would love some help.

  12. Hey guys!

    Can someone breakdown the last part of “けどお前は 本気で俺を倒そうとしてる…。”? I don’t get what “としてる” means

  13. What’s a good way to remember words with lots of sounds in them?


  14. ジルは、笑顔のとても似合う、明るくてやさしい女の子だった

    I don’t understand why is 「の」used after 「笑顔」in this sentence. Wouldn’t it be fine without the 「の」?

  15. 捜査本部では応援の派遣を検討中だが

    “The headquarters of investigations is currently reviewing the dispatching of additional units”

    Could someone please help me understand how を is placed in this sentence with the copula だ instead of a verb?

  16. Please help me understand the following sentences in 難攻不落の魔王城へようこそ ~デバフは不要と勇者パーティーを追い出された黒魔導士、魔王軍の最高幹部に迎えられる. I can’t send a link but it can be read at マンガUP chapter 19 part 3 page 6/7 or がんがん chapter 19 part 2 page 9/10 with free tickets.

    For context it’s a fight between Lemegton and Carmilla against Phoenix (the fire hero). Lemegton was recruited by Carmilla, who is a fan of Lemegton and loves him, to fight on the monsters side against the human side.
    When the two sides faces each other Carmilla attacks Phoenix and he pierces through her stomach and she beginns to burn, because of his power.

    Phoenix: 見事な血の操作だ。 だがこれで終わりです

    Now the sentences in question. I will format them like in the speechbubbles since I am not sure if this may be relevant here. Carmilla first bubble:
    思い程度 耐え
    Second bubble:

    Phoenix thoughts:
    Then she overcomes the flames.

    I choose this format because of the whitespace after 程度. I am not sure if it is just a pause because she is dying or a different sentence, but it is probably irrelevant.
    Now for how I understand it:

    身を焦がす思い程度 This is the sentence I struggle the most with. I tried to see how it is tranlated in the web novel translation but the dialog was different.
    There is 2 options I can think of here.
    1) 身を焦がす思い = feelings of burning love. In this case 身を焦がす is an expression and the whole naturally translated is “the amount of my feelings”.
    2) 身を焦がす used literally as “to burn the body” because Phoenix is burning her. So a translation would be something like “this level of burning”, but I don’t know what to do with the 思い in this case.

    耐えられないとでも(言ってる?)!? would, depending on the first one, also have 2 different options. 1) Are you trying to say it (her feelings) isn’t enough to endure this
    2) Are you trying to say I can’t endure it (the flames which engulf her)

    私はとうにー= Long ago I….

  17. I have to completethe following sentence with option 1 or 2. I chose 2 and it was wrong. Can someone help me understand why? :\ I thought it means “well, since i’m going to the bank might as well take the bike” situation





    Thanks for the help!

  18. How does the を particle interact with the verb 見る?

    For context, I saw this in a book and was wondering about it:

    > 窓に張り付き外を見た。

    I guess 張り付き外 means “stuck to the outside” or something like that. And 窓に見た would simply mean “he looked out the window”. But what exactly does を (object) do in this case?

  19. This is not about Japanese, but resources. Is there a place like r/polls but in Japanese? I’m interested in hearing Japanese peoples’ opinions in poll form.

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