Ice Hockey Gear in Japan

Hi there, I’m currently doing an exchange semester in Osaka, and I’ve decided to join the university ice hockey team. The problem is, I’m fairly above average (JP29) when it comes to size here, and I haven’t been able to find skates my size at any shops online.

Surely I’m not the first one to go through this with hockey gear? Surely there’s a better option than shipping my skates from back home for 30,000 yen or more?

The rest of the gear I should be able to manage, but if anyone has any kind of advice, such as where to look, or the best way to ship from Canada, I would be very appreciative.

  1. I think I’ve got some gear in my attic. Probably skates (28.5-29, I’ll have to check), gloves, shoulder pads, elbow pads, helmet, shin pads, maybe pants. Mostly L and XL sizes.

    It’s all over 10 years old, but if it’s what you’re looking for, I could let it go for shipping cost and some beer money.

  2. Dah eh Hockey isn’t like just Cahnahdian eh. We let Americans and Swedes play it too so like calm dewn already alright?

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